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[Wget-dev] wget2 | Find a way to handle extremely long file names / URLs

From: Tim Rühsen
Subject: [Wget-dev] wget2 | Find a way to handle extremely long file names / URLs (#446)
Date: Fri, 03 May 2019 15:12:17 +0000

New Issue was created.

Issue 446: https://gitlab.com/gnuwget/wget2/issues/446
Author:    Tim Rühsen

Wget2 can't currently save long names to disk, like

Wget1.x does it by truncating the name to the max. filename length of the 
underlying file system. That might badly go wrong if two URLs only differ in 
the truncated part.

We could implement different user-configurable strategies:
- print error and don't save
- truncate like Wget1.x does
- use a hash (e.g. SHA1/2/3) as file name and store the original URL in 
extended file attributes (xattr)
- use a hash as file name and create a map file (e.g. `.wgetmapping`, or 

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