anda select group of Psychics, Mediums and Angel Therapy
TheMyst of the Oracle Corporation is presenting their “Enter the Myst” psychicawareness
seminar at the historical Strong House Inn, in Vergennes, Vt.On May 14-16, 2004.
Experienceprofessional Mediumship contact
with the “other side”, and see psychicabilities demonstrated by Richard Van Leer, Ph.D. and his
team of certifiedStage Mediums, and Angel Therapy Practitioners.Dr. Van Leer explains why there is a Spiritual world, and why there areAngels,
Guides and deceased relatives waiting for our call for help inmanifesting success, good health,
and relationships, and to resolve unsettledissues from our past. Faeries, Gnomes, Elves and
other Nature Spirits will be explored, discussed and observed first hand.
Thiscomprehensive psychic awareness seminar brings together the theories
ofconsciousness, the realities of a Spiritual world, and our physical existenceinto a successive
set of understandable lectures and simple audiencedemonstrations, which culminate into the
practical reality of psychic abilityand mediumistic “connection to the other side.”Many readings will be given.Fairiesand Gnomes may be discoveredduring the outdoor Nature
activities.A Welcome Reception and a
GoddessTea promiseenchanting social interaction and friendly conversation with
like-minded people.
this two-day seminar, you will also work with your own Auras and Chakras, meet your Higher Self
and spiritual Guides, and make contact with family and friends who have passed to the other side,
through our Mediums. You will meet your Totems, and any Nature Spirits who are attracted to