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ANN: vile-9.8w

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: ANN: vile-9.8w
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2022 01:11:29 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)


 patch by Thomas E. Dickey <>
 created  Mon Aug 22 01:05:58 UTC 2022
 CHANGES                        |   30 
 MANIFEST                       |    8 
 aclocal.m4                     |   42 
 basic.c                        |    4 
 configure                      | 3353 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 display.c                      |    4 
 doc/vile-hlp.html              |    4 
 doc/vile-toc.html              |    4 
 estruct.h                      |    4 
 eval.c                         |    4 
 file.c                         |   12 
 filters/genmake.mak            |    5 
 filters/imakeflt.l             |    7 
 filters/makefilt.l             |    7 
 filters/manfilt.c              |   67 
 filters/sh-filt.l              |   14 
 filters/spellflt.l             |   11 
 filters/vilefilt.l             |    4 
 history.c                      |   14 
 input.c                        |    7 
 insert.c                       |   51 
 line.c                         |   14 
 macros/               |    6 
 macros/                |    4 
 macros/manpage.rc              |   13 
 macros/modes.rc                |   21 
 main.c                         |    4                    |    5 
 map.c                          |   56 
 mktbls.c                       |   14 
 ntwinio.c                      |    4 
 package/convile.nsi            |    8 
 package/debian/changelog       |    6 
 package/freebsd/vile/Makefile  |    2 
 package/freebsd/vile/distinfo  |    6 
 package/freebsd/xvile/Makefile |    1 
 package/freebsd/xvile/distinfo |    6 
 package/minvile.nsi            |    8 
 package/vile.spec              |   10 
 package/winvile.iss            |    4 
 package/winvile.nsi            |    6 
 patchlev.h                     |    4 
 perl.xs                        |    7                       |   11 
 proto.h                        |    8 
 random.c                       |    4 
 regexp.c                       |   32 
 region.c                       |    4 
 revlist                        |  118 -
 tcap.c                         |    8 
 vile-9.8w/filters/md-filt.l    |  616 +++++++
 vile-9.8w/filters/md.key       |    1 
 vile-9.8w/filters/raku.key     |    2 
 vile-9.8w/filters/rakufilt.c   | 1672 +++++++++++++++++++
 vile.hlp                       |    6 
 w32cbrd.c                      |    4 
 w32info.rc                     |   12 
 w32ole.cpp                     |    6 
 wvwrap.cpp                     |    6 
 xterm.c                        |    4 
 60 files changed, 4466 insertions(+), 1913 deletions(-)
 Please remove the following files before applying this patch.
 (You can feed this patch to 'sh' to do so.)

rm -f filters/perl6.key
rm -f filters/pl6filt.c
rm -f revlist.bak

 20220821 (w)
        > Brendan O'Dea:
        + the font specification in /etc/X11/app-defaults/UXVile was being
          overridden by the one in XVile.  Additionally update the xvile font
          to use the Latin-1 equivalent (9x18 instead of 8x13).
        + apply memory-leak fix from pl-filt.c in 9.8v to pl6filt.c
        + rename perl6mode and corresponding syntax filter to "raku" (report by
          Steve Lembark).
        + update suffix-list for rakumode.
        > Tom Dickey:
        + portability-fixes for
        + fixes for regexp.c:
          + build-fix for test_regexp
          + add parentheses in non-multibyte is_CLASS() macro to correct a
            problem with pointer expressions.
          + add I/i toggle in test_regexp to exercise ignorecase.
        + revise change for lins_chars() to handle UTF-8 in scripts, as that
          interfered with normal insertions (report by Chris Green).
        + fix a check in vile-manfilt, to ensure that stepping into previous
          lines does not use flushed/discarded rows.
        + build-fix for perl 5.36 (Debian #1014289)
        + modify error-message from vile-manfilt to show the program name.
        + fix a state-transition in sh-filt.l, which left some text uncolored
          (report by Wayne Cuddy).
        + add markdown mode (mdmode).
        + update copyright dates
        + update package/freebsd/*
        + fix some issues found with Coverity.
        + fix a few compiler-warnings.

Thomas E. Dickey <>

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