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ANN: vile-9.8v

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: ANN: vile-9.8v
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 00:25:11 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

The current version of vile is 9.8v
It's available at

 patch by Thomas E. Dickey <>
 created  Sun Dec 12 23:59:32 UTC 2021
 CHANGES                                    |   76 
 INSTALL                                    |    2 
 MANIFEST                                   |   20 
 README                                     |    2 
 README.PC                                  |    2 
 aclocal.m4                                 | 1214 +-
 ansi.c                                     |    2 
 api.h                                      |    2 
 basic.c                                    |    6 
 borland.c                                  |    2 
 buffer.c                                   |    4 
 buglist                                    |    2 
 chgdfunc.h                                 |    2 
 cmdtbl                                     |    2 
 config.guess                               | 1177 +-
 config.sub                                 |  647 -                                |    2 
 configure                                  |13645 ++++++++++++++-------------                               |   78 
 csrch.c                                    |    2 
 curses.c                                   |    6 
 descrip.mms                                |    2 
 dirstuff.h                                 |    2 
 display.c                                  |    6 
 djhandl.c                                  |    2 
 doc/config.doc                             |    6 
 doc/config.html                            |    4 
 doc/                            |    4 
 doc/                            |    5 
 doc/makefile                               |    2 
 doc/vile-hlp.html                          |  893 -
 doc/vile-man.sed                           |    2 
 doc/vile-toc.html                          |    6 
 dumbterm.c                                 |    2 
 edef.h                                     |    2 
 eightbit.c                                 |    4 
 encrypt.c                                  |    2 
 estruct.h                                  |   18 
 eval.c                                     |    7 
 externs.c                                  |    2 
 filters/ada-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/atr2ansi.c                         |    2 
 filters/atr2text.c                         |    2 
 filters/awk-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/bnf-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/c-filt.c                           |   97 
 filters/cfg-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/css-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/cwebfilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/dcl-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/def-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/difffilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/ecl-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/ecrypt.c                           |    2 
 filters/esqlfilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/est-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/fdl-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/filters.c                          |    2 
 filters/flt_defs.h                         |    2 
 filters/genmake.c                          |    2 
 filters/htmlfilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/imakeflt.l                         |    2 
 filters/infofilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/ini-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/jsonfilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/key-filt.c                         |    2 
 filters/latexflt.l                         |    2 
 filters/lua-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/m4-filt.c                          |    2 
 filters/mailfilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/makefile.2nd                       |    4 
 filters/makefile.djg                       |    4 
 filters/makefile.emx                       |    2 
 filters/makefile.icc                       |    2 
 filters/                        |    6 
 filters/makefilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/                        |    2 
 filters/manfilt.c                          |   28 
 filters/mc-filt.l                          |    2 
 filters/mcrlfilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/midlfilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/mk-0th.awk                         |    2 
 filters/mk-0th.bat                         |    2 
 filters/mk-1st.awk                         |    2 
 filters/mk-1st.bat                         |    2 
 filters/mk-2nd.awk                         |    2 
 filters/mk-2nd.bat                         |    2 
 filters/mms-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/rexxfilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/rtf-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/rubyfilt.c                         |    2 
 filters/sccsfilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/sed-filt.c                         |    2 
 filters/sh-filt.l                          |   86 
 filters/sml-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/spellflt.l                         |    2 
 filters/sql-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/tagsfilt.c                         |    2 
 filters/tbl-filt.l                         |    2 
 filters/tc-filt.l                          |    2 
 filters/texifilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/unfilter.c                         |    2 
 filters/unfilter.h                         |    2 
 filters/vl-filt.l                          |    2 
 filters/xresfilt.l                         |    2 
 filters/xs-filt.l                          |    2 
 finderr.c                                  |    2 
 glob.c                                     |    2 
 gppconio.c                                 |    2 
 history.c                                  |    2 
 input.c                                    |    7 
 insert.c                                   |   23 
 lckfiles.c                                 |    2 
 line.c                                     |    6 
 macros/                           |    2 
 macros/                            |    2 
 macros/dates.rc                            |    2 
 macros/gnugpg.rc                           |    2 
 macros/loaderrs.rc                         |    2 
 macros/lxvile                              |    6 
 macros/lxvile-fonts                        |    6 
 macros/manpage.rc                          |    2 
 macros/palettes.rc                         |    2 
 macros/pictmode.rc                         |    2 
 macros/search.rc                           |    2 
 macros/vile-pager                          |    2 
 macros/vileinit.rc                         |    2 
 macros/vilemenu.rc                         |   13 
 macros/which.rc                            |    2 
 main.c                                     |   10 
 makeargv.c                                 |    2 
 makeargv.h                                 |    2 
 makefile.blc                               |    2 
 makefile.djg                               |    2 
 makefile.icc                               |    2                                |   19 
 menu.c                                     |    2 
 mkprlenv.wnt                               |    2 
 mktbls.c                                   |    6 
 modes.c                                    |    5 
 modetbl                                    |    9 
 msgs.c                                     |    2 
 npopen.c                                   |    2 
 ntwinio.c                                  |    4 
 nullterm.c                                 |    2 
 oneliner.c                                 |    2 
 opers.c                                    |    2 
 os2keys.h                                  |    2 
 os2pipe.c                                  |    2 
 os2vio.c                                   |    2 
 package/convile.nsi                        |    8 
 package/debian/changelog                   |    6 
 package/debian/compat                      |    2 
 package/debian/rules                       |    6 
 package/freebsd/vile/Makefile              |    9 
 package/freebsd/vile/distinfo              |    6 
 package/freebsd/vile/pkg-plist             |   54 
 package/freebsd/xvile/Makefile             |   30 
 package/freebsd/xvile/distinfo             |    6 
 package/freebsd/xvile/pkg-plist            |  230 
 package/minvile.nsi                        |    8 
 package/vile.spec                          |   11 
 package/winvile-wide.iss                   |    2 
 package/winvile.iss                        |    4 
 package/winvile.nsi                        |    6 
 patchlev.h                                 |    4 
 perl.xs                                    |   17 
 perl/                           |   29 
 perl/                               |    2 
 perl/                          |    2 
 perl/                              |    2 
 perl/                                |    2 
 perl/                               |    2 
 perl/                            |    2 
 perl/                              |    2 
 perl/vileget                               |    3                                   |   52 
 plugin.c                                   |    2 
 plugins/test.c                             |    2 
 plugins/test.rc                            |    2 
 proto.h                                    |   26 
 revlist                                    |  443 
 search.c                                   |    2 
 statevar.c                                 |   50 
 tcap.c                                     |    2 
 tcap.h                                     |    2 
 test_io.c                                  |    2 
 undo.c                                     |    2 
 version.c                                  |    2                                 |    2 
 vile-9.8v/package/pkgsrc/vile/ALTERNATIVES |    2 
 vile-9.8v/package/pkgsrc/vile/DESCR        |   16 
 vile-9.8v/package/pkgsrc/vile/Makefile     |   43 
 vile-9.8v/package/pkgsrc/vile/PLIST        |  256 
 vile-9.8v/package/pkgsrc/vile/distinfo     |    7 
 vile-9.8v/package/pkgsrc/vile/   |   16 
 vile-9.8v/package/pkgsrc/xvile/DESCR       |   21 
 vile-9.8v/package/pkgsrc/xvile/Makefile    |   72 
 vile-9.8v/package/pkgsrc/xvile/PLIST       |  264 
 vile-9.8v/revlist.bak                      |  555 +
 vile-9.8v/xftplain.c                       |  566 +
 vile.hlp                                   |   73 
 vl_ctype.c                                 |    2 
 vl_ctype.h                                 |    2 
 vl_regex.h                                 |    2 
 vl_stdio.h                                 |    2 
 vms2unix.c                                 |    2                               |    2 
 vmspipe.c                                  |    2 
 vmsvt.c                                    |    2 
 w32info.rc                                 |   12 
 w32ole.cpp                                 |    2 
 w32ole.h                                   |    2 
 w32reg.h                                   |    2 
 w32vile.h                                  |    2 
 watch.c                                    |    2 
 window.c                                   |  100 
 wordmov.c                                  |    2 
 wvwrap.cpp                                 |    2 
 x11.c                                      |  739 +
 x11menu.c                                  |   54 
 x11plain.c                                 |  222 
 x11vile.h                                  |  288                                  |    2 
 xterm.c                                    |    2 
 xtermkeys.h                                |    2 
 226 files changed, 13208 insertions(+), 9569 deletions(-)
 Please remove the following files before applying this patch.
 (You can feed this patch to 'sh' to do so.)

rm -f package/freebsd/xvile/files/patch-x11menu.c
rm -f package/freebsd/xvile/files/patch-x11vile.h
rm -f

 20211212 (v)
        > Lois Mansot
        + corrected range for &random function.
        + move the reframe_cursor_position() in update() to ensure that $cwline
          is shown correctly when viewing [Variables] while showvariables is
        > Mark Robinson:
        + modify c-filt.c
          + include the quote chars in the literal colouring for C/C++/Java/etc
            to make it the same as most other syntax highlighting
          + add backquote "`" as a quoting character for JavaScript, e.g., for
            multi-line quotes.
          + highlight embedded "${xxx}" markers in JavaScript strings using the
            Ident2 color.
        + modify sh-filt.l
          + improve parsing of the beginning of here-document to allow for
            here-documents piped to programs, e.g.,
                cat <<EOF | pr
                cat <<EOF && date
          + do not treat "#" as a comment marker if it is adjacent to nonblank
        > Stephan Schulz:
        + add popup-choices mode (Savannah #58999)
        > Tom Dickey:
        + eliminate filename conflict between vile/xvile in test-packages for
          FreeBSD ports, e.g., xvile's vileget becomes xvileget.
        + suppress some of the gcc warnings due to perl header-files.
        + updated, from xterm, to work around poor performance of gcc
          on Fedora.
        + modify perl scripts to use /usr/bin/env to locate the perl program,
          and eliminate
        + modify curses-driver to support italics, e.g., as in ncurses 6.
        + apply Xaw header-fix for XawPlus, neXtaw and Xaw3dxft.
        + use Xaw3d menu-headers for x11vile.h and x11menu.c (FreeBSD #186420).
        + replace Header keywords with Id, to make Git-snapshots match.
        + continue development of xftplain.c (--enable-freetype).  The current
          driver is able to display a single TrueType font using Xft.  The
          menu entries for the bitmap-fonts are replaced by a single menu with
          Some of the remaining issues:
          + provide conversion for X displays other than 24-bit TrueColor
          + implement fallback fonts, i.e., --enable-fontsets
        + modify configure script to check for ssp library, needed for some
          misconfigured libraries when cross-compiling to MinGW.
        + fix a case in vile-manfilt where cur_line may not have been allocated
          before first use.
        + update configure script to work with _Noreturn changes in ncurses
          20210320 development version.
        + modify, wrapping cd commands in a subshell to work around
          "jobs" misfeature of pmake.
        + improve c-filt.c support for JavaScript
          + handle ranges, i.e., to avoid stopping on "/"
          + check for regex after ":"
          + add m,s,u,y to permissable flags ending regex
        + quoting-fixes in autoconf macros, per shellcheck warnings.
        + add check for 'U' in read_quoted() needed to make ^VUxxxx work.
        + modify lins_chars() to handle a case where a script inserts a UTF-8
          character (report by Thomas Dupond).
        + modify configure/makefiles to support ".PHONY" feature.
        + change configure/makefiles to use ARFLAGS rather than AR_OPTS
        + change configure --with-warnings to --enable-warnings for consistency
          with other configure scripts, using recent changes in that to filter
          gcc -Werror options to avoid breaking configure checks.
        + fix a few build problems with --disable-extensions
        + split-out x11plain.c, to start work on TrueType font support in xvile
        + modify configure script to allow clang to support loadable filters,
          since recent configurations work.
        + add/fix NetBSD pkgsrc-files for 9.8u
        + update FreeBSD package-files for 9.8u
        + update config.guess, config.sub

Thomas E. Dickey <>

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