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Re: [vile] question on wrapwords/wrapmargin

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: [vile] question on wrapwords/wrapmargin
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 16:16:18 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 17 Apr 2011, address@hidden wrote:

From the help reference:

 wrapwords (ww)
          Similar to, but different from, vi's auto-wrap mode (i.e.
          "wrapmargin"). While inserting, words are moved to the next line
          if the current line gets too long. Wrapping is only attempted when
          a space is typed. The target maximum width of lines is changed
          with the "fillcol" setting. (B)

Would is be possible to add new-line to the set of characters that cause
wrapping to occur?  I find the last line of a paragraph frequency violates the
fillcol value when I insert a new-line instead of a space or when I go back
and correct text that runs past the fillcol value.  This does not happen when
I use the wrapmargin setting.  When using wrapmargin it seems that wrapping is
implemented as characters are typed rather than waiting for a space character?
That sounds like a bug-report rather than just a wish-list.
Can you send a copy of your .vilerc, so that I can test with the
same options?


Thomas E. Dickey

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