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[vile] vile-9.7v

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: [vile] vile-9.7v
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 06:10:13 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)
 patch by Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>
 created  Tue Oct 13 10:05:51 UTC 2009
 CHANGES                         |   88 
 MANIFEST                        |    8 
 aclocal.m4                      |  135 +
 builtflt.c                      |    4 
 config.guess                    |   81 
 config.sub                      |   36 
 configure                       | 4218 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------                    |   14 
 edef.h                          |   26 
 estruct.h                       |   17 
 eval.c                          |    4 
 file.c                          |    4 
 fileio.c                        |    6 
 filters/atr2html.c              |    4 
 filters/c-filt.c                |   10 
 filters/dcl-filt.l              |    4 
 filters/ecrypt.c                |    4 
 filters/esqlfilt.l              |    4 
 filters/filterio.c              |    6 
 filters/filters.c               |   70 
 filters/filters.h               |   22 
 filters/flt_defs.h              |    9 
 filters/htmlfilt.l              |   27 
 filters/imakeflt.l              |   12 
 filters/iss-filt.l              |   16 
 filters/key-filt.c              |   61 
 filters/latexflt.l              |    4 
 filters/lex-filt.l              |    4 
 filters/m4-filt.c               |    4 
 filters/makefile.2nd            |    4 
 filters/makefilt.l              |   10 
 filters/manfilt.c               |    6 
 filters/objc.key                |    3 
 filters/pl-filt.c               |   38 
 filters/rubyfilt.c              |    4 
 filters/sed-filt.c              |   20 
 filters/spellflt.l              |   14 
 filters/tc-filt.l               |   34 
 filters/vilefilt.l              |   26 
 filters/vl-filt.l               |    4 
 filters/xml-filt.l              |    6 
 filters/xq-filt.l               |   20 
 filters/xresfilt.l              |    4 
 filters/yaccfilt.l              |    4 
 macros/                 |  107 
 macros/vilemenu.rc              |   13 
 main.c                          |    7                     |   52 
 modetbl                         |    6 
 npopen.c                        |   14 
 ntwinio.c                       |    3 
 patchlev.h                      |    2 
 revlist                         |  121 -
 spawn.c                         |    8 
 statevar.c                      |    4 
 vile-9.7.spec                   |    9 
 vile-9.7v/AUTHORS               |    7 
 vile-9.7v/macros/      |    5 
 vile-9.7v/macros/uxvile         |   84 
 vile-9.7v/macros/uxvile.desktop |   10 
 vile-9.7v/macros/xvile.desktop  |   10 
 vile.hlp                        |   46 
 x11.c                           | 1030 ++-------
 63 files changed, 3478 insertions(+), 3159 deletions(-)

 20091013 (v)
        > Tom Dickey:
        + override highlightThickness resource in xvile to eliminate screen
          trash (report by Jim Crigler).
        + update to match Debian package.
        + some code-cleanup for x11.c and filters.
        + work around defective gcc implementation of warn_unused_result
          attribute with new IGNORE_RC() macro.
        + add configure-script and makefile rules for app-defaults, icons and
          desktop files for xvile, adapted from xterm.
        + use "fixed" rather than XtDefaultFont as default font for xvile.
        + improve TYPECAST macro using intptr_t type.
        + document VILE_MENU environment variable in vile.hlp
        + modify vilemenu.rc to implement a default-font entry, to restore
          the font to whatever was given in a -fn option, or resource setting.
        + add $font to the state variables that &default can work with.
        + add uxvile script, based on uxterm.
        + modify vilemenu.rc to provide fonts used in uxterm for the set of
          ordinary fonts if the $term-encoding is utf-8.
        + bypass symbols for XA_COMPOUND_TEXT() and XA_UTF8_STRING() in xvile,
          to resolve portability issues with older X headers/libraries (report
          by David Rolfe).
        + correct handling of retries for different selection types in xvile
          broken in 9.7u (report by Steven Lembark).
        + update configure check for lex version to work with reflex 20090902's
          inclusion of patch-date.
        + fix objc.key to reset symbol table (i.e., from "cpre" to "objc")
          before merging in "c" keywords (overlooked in 9.7q).
        + correct list of options for c-filter, to make objcmode work with
          external syntax filter.
        + update config.guess, config.sub

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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