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Re: [vile] Odd problem with setting colour resource

From: chrisisbd
Subject: Re: [vile] Odd problem with setting colour resource
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2006 02:58:29 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.2i

On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 08:51:06PM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> On Wed, 31 May 2006, address@hidden wrote:
> >In my .vilerc file I have the line:-
> >
> >   set bcolor=default
> >
> >This works fine nearly every time I start vile but for one case.  When
> >I start vile from inside Firefox (using the mozex extension) I get an
> >error:-
> >
> >   [No match for 'default']
> >
> >from vile.
> >
> >It makes no difference what I change 'default' to vile refuses to find
> >it.  What sort of environment change can cause vile to do this?  I
> >assume it must be something in its environment that causes this
> >problem.
> probably Firefox's resetting $TERM to something like "vt100" which
> doesn't have colors.  In that case, the available colors are only
> "black" and "white".  If that's the case, you can test the $ncolors
> variable to see if it's 2, and put an if-endif around the code in your
> .vilerc file
OK, thanks.

However I've just looked at the value of TERM from inside the vile
that's started by Firefox and it's still set to 'xterm'.

> >
> >As a workaround is there some way I can set bcolor to a numeric value?
> >
I've actually come up with an alternative workaround, I have
explicitly set the background colour using '-bg grey90' and that gets
me the result I want.

There's something odd about the way some X apps start up new terminal
windows because I've seen the same problem starting up rxvt terminal
windows/vile from our CM tool Continuus.  Although I don't see an
error there, it has a darker grey background than my preferred grey90.
After the error I was asking about above in Firefox I also get this
darker grey.  Nowhere in any of my X resources do I ask for anything
but grey90.

Oh well, an explicit '-bg grey90' is fine.

Chris Green (address@hidden)

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