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[VM] vm using shr as an html renderer

From: Robert Marshall
Subject: [VM] vm using shr as an html renderer
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2016 20:47:20 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Just to see what would happen, I amended  vm-mime like this

diff vm-mime.el vm-mime.el~
<           (cond
<            ((locate-library "shr")
<             'emacs-shr)
<              ((locate-library "w3m")
<               'emacs-w3m)
<              ((locate-library "w3")
<               'w3)
<              ((executable-find "w3m")
<               'w3m)
<              ((executable-find "lynx")
<               'lynx)))
>             (cond ((locate-library "w3m")
>                    'emacs-w3m)
>                   ((locate-library "w3")
>                    'w3)
>                   ((executable-find "w3m")
>                    'w3m)
>                   ((executable-find "lynx")
>                    'lynx)))
< (defun vm-mime-display-internal-emacs-shr-text/html (start end layout)
<   (shr-render-region start end)
<   )  

It's not perfect (well there's not very much there!) but the shr.el has
been around a few years and I though it would be interesting to see if
vm can use it..

I got a few of the following gripes when I tried it in the work emacs install
   Error during redisplay: (jit-lock-function 85461) signaled (invalid-regexp 
"Unmatched ( or \\(")
I've not seen that at home yet...maybe it was the email it was rendering!

Robert Marshall               twitter: @rajm

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