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[Vardi-list] Appeal to support SIGLOG, the LICS sponsor

From: Moshe Vardi
Subject: [Vardi-list] Appeal to support SIGLOG, the LICS sponsor
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 13:58:38 -0600 (CST)

Forwarding email from Catuscia Palamidessi.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 10:22:09 +0100
From: catuscia <>
Subject: [LICS] Appeal to support SIGLOG, the LICS sponsor

Dear LICS colleagues,

This message addresses an important and timely subject concerning the sustainability of SIGLOG within ACM.

As some of you may already know, in 2022, ACM made the decision to increase the management fee (overhead) for its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), a fee that had remained steady for years. For smaller SIGs like ours, the minimum overhead increased from USD 10,000 to USD 25,000 annually. This change has significantly impacted SIGLOG's finances, and if we cannot find a way to pay the fee, we will be obliged to either merge SIGLOG with another SIG (the best choice, probably, would be SIGPLAN) or de-charter it altogether.

We requested additional time from ACM to explore ways of securing the
financial foundation necessary to keep SIGLOG independent. We explained that
our plan includes to seek increased industry sponsorship, grow our
membership, and conduct fundraising activities at LICS and other events. ACM
responded positively, SIGLOG now has until July 31, 2025, to develop a
concrete, viable financial plan.

As a first step, we would like to ask you for support. This is not only a financial matter: to ensure our strength as a committed SIG, we need to increase our membership numbers. While the LICS community comprises around 2,600 people, SIGLOG currently has only about 200 members. We strongly encourage all LICS members to join SIGLOG. The membership fee is very affordable -- just 25 USD, a rate that has remained unchanged since the start of SIGLOG. We plan to maintain this rate, at least for students and early-career researchers, to support inclusivity.

Another goal is to promote industry sponsorship. Many in our community have strong connections with industry partners, and securing initial sponsorship would provide vital support as we work toward more stable, long-term financial solutions. If you have connections who might be interested in supporting SIGLOG, now is the time to reach out and explore potential sponsorship opportunities.

Finally, we invite your engagement, ideas, and shared experiences to help us build a sustainable future for SIGLOG. Your support is essential in ensuring that SIGLOG continues to exist as an independent entity dedicated to Logic.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. 

P.s. The SIGLOG web page is here:, and the instructions to join SIGLOG are here: Note that you don't need to have a separate ACM membership in order to subscribe to SIGLOG.

Best regards,

Catuscia Palamidessi
SIGLOG's chair
Also on behalf of the SIGLOG EC

 Catuscia Palamidessi
 Inria Saclay          
 1 rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves
 Bâtiment Alan Turing Office: +33 (0)1 74 85 42 49
 Campus de l'École Polytechnique  Email:
 91120 Palaiseau, FR      URL:

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