[ANN] XGP 0.1.4 - Mac OS X IDE connecting gprolog and Cocoa
Lindsey Spratt
[ANN] XGP 0.1.4 - Mac OS X IDE connecting gprolog and Cocoa
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 15:50:58 -0600
This message is to announce the availability of XGP. It is a Mac OS X/Cocoa Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that directly connects gprolog to the Cocoa execution environment. It provides Prolog predicates (compatible with LPA's MacProlog32) for managing menus, dialogs, and input from and output to files connected to document windows. It is an open source project distributed under the Gnu GPL.
XGP 0.1.4, is now available at http://xgp.sourceforge.net/
Lindsey Spratt
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[ANN] XGP 0.1.4 - Mac OS X IDE connecting gprolog and Cocoa,
Lindsey Spratt<=