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From: Miquel Puigpelat
Subject: trans-coord/gnun/philosophy/po
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 19:38:15 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/trans-coord
Module name:    trans-coord
Changes by:     Miquel Puigpelat <puigpe>       08/04/27 19:38:15

Added files:

Log message:
        New po file


RCS file:
diff -N
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++       27 Apr 2008 19:38:15 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Catalan translation of
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the article.
+# Miquel Puigpelat <address@hidden>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-02-05 16:25-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-27 21:30+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Miquel Puigpelat <address@hidden>\n"
+"Language-Team: Catalan <address@hidden>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+# type: Content of: <title>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:3
+msgid "Why schools should exclusively use free software - GNU Project - Free 
Software Foundation (FSF)"
+msgstr "Per qu&egrave; les escoles han d'usar exclusivament programari lliure 
- Projecte GNU - Free Software Foundation (FSF)"
+# type: Content of: <h2>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:5
+msgid "Why schools should exclusively use free software"
+msgstr "Per qu&egrave; les escoles han d'usar exclusivament programari lliure"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:7
+msgid "by <a href=\"\";>Richard Stallman</a>"
+msgstr "per <a href=\"\";>Richard Stallman</a>"
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:9
+msgid "There are general reasons why all computer users should insist on free 
software. It gives users the freedom to control their own computers&mdash;with 
proprietary software, the computer does what the software owner wants it to do, 
not what the software user wants it to do.  Free software also gives users the 
freedom to cooperate with each other, to lead an upright life.  These reasons 
apply to schools as they do to everyone."
+msgstr "Existeixen diverses raons per les quals tots els usuaris d'ordinadors 
haurien d'usar programari lliure. Aquest, proporciona als usuaris la llibertat 
de controlar els seus propis ordinadors. En canvi, amb el programari privatiu, 
l'ordinador fa el que l'amo del programari vol que faci, no el que l'usuari 
vol. Tamb&eacute; facilita als usuaris la llibertat de poder cooperar entre 
ells, estant tranquils amb la seva consci&egrave;ncia. Aix&ograve; &eacute;s 
aix&iacute; tant per als usuaris com per a les escoles."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:17
+msgid "But there are special reasons that apply to schools. They are the 
subject of this article."
+msgstr "Per&ograve; hi ha raons especials per a les escoles. Aquestes raons 
s&oacute;n el tema principal d'aquest article."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:20
+msgid "First, free software can save the schools money. Even in the richest 
countries, schools are short of money. Free software gives schools, like other 
users, the freedom to copy and redistribute the software, so the school system 
can make copies for all the computers they have. In poor countries, this can 
help close the digital divide."
+msgstr "Primer, el programari lliure pot ajudar les escoles a estalviar 
diners. Fins i tot en els pa&iuml;sos rics, les escoles tenen pocs recursos 
econ&ograve;mics. El programari lliure proporciona a les escoles, com a altres 
usuaris, la llibertat de copiar i redistribuir el programari, de tal manera que 
l'administraci&oacute; educativa pot fer c&ograve;pies per a tots els 
ordinadors de totes les escoles. Als pa&iuml;sos pobres, aix&ograve; pot ajudar 
a disminuir l'anomenada fractura digital."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:27
+msgid "This obvious reason, while important, is rather shallow. And 
proprietary software developers can eliminate this disadvantage by donating 
copies to the schools.  (Watch out!&mdash;a school that accepts this offer may 
have to pay for future upgrades.)  So let's look at the deeper reasons."
+msgstr "Aquesta ra&oacute; &ograve;bvia, encara que important, &eacute;s la 
m&eacute;s superficial. I els creadors de programari privatiu poden eliminar 
aquest desavantatge regalant c&ograve;pies a les escoles (alerta: una escola 
que accepta aquesta oferta pot haver de pagar per actualitzacions en el 
futur!). Aix&iacute; que, vegem les raons m&eacute;s profundes."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:33
+msgid "School should teach students ways of life that will benefit society as 
a whole.  They should promote the use of free software just as they promote 
recycling.  If schools teach students free software, then the students will use 
free software after they graduate.  This will help society as a whole escape 
from being dominated (and gouged) by megacorporations.  Those corporations 
offer free samples to schools for the same reason tobacco companies distribute 
free cigarettes: to get children addicted <a href=\"#1\">(1)</a>.  They will 
not give discounts to these students once they grow up and graduate."
+msgstr "L'escola ha d'ensenyar als estudiants estils de vida que 
benefici&iuml;n tota la societat. Ha de promoure l'&uacute;s del programari 
lliure aix&iacute; com promou el reciclatge. Si les escoles ensenyen programari 
lliure, els estudiants l'usaran m&eacute;s tard en deixar l'escola. Aix&ograve; 
permetr&agrave; la societat escapar del domini (i ab&uacute;s) de les grans 
empreses. Aquestes empreses ofereixen mostres gratu&iuml;tes a les escoles per 
la mateixa ra&oacute; que les companyies tabaqueres distribueixen cigarrets 
gratu&iuml;tament: per tenir nins i adolescents addictes <a 
href=\"#1\">(1)</a>. No faran descomptes a aquests estudiants quan creixin i 
deixin l'escola."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:43
+msgid "Free software permits students to learn how software works.  When 
students reach their teens, some of them want to learn everything there is to 
know about their computer system and its software.  That is the age when people 
who will be good programmers should learn it.  To learn to write software well, 
students need to read a lot of code and write a lot of code.  They need to read 
and understand real programs that people really use.  They will be intensely 
curious to read the source code of the programs that they use every day."
+msgstr "El programari lliure permet a l'estudiant aprendre com treballa el 
programari. Quan els estudiants arriben a l'adolesc&egrave;ncia, alguns d'ells 
volen saber tot el que es necessita saber sobre el seu sistema operatiu i els 
seus programes. Aquesta &eacute;s l'edat en la qual l'al&middot;lot/a que ha de 
ser bon programador ha d'aprendre a programar. Per aprendre a escriure bon 
programari, els estudiants necessiten llegir-ne i escriure'n molt. Necessiten 
llegir i entendre programes reals que la gent veritablement usa. Tendran molta 
curiositat per llegir el codi font dels programes que utilitzen."
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:52
+msgid "Proprietary software rejects their thirst for knowledge: it says, 
&ldquo;The knowledge you want is a secret&mdash;learning is forbidden!&rdquo; 
Free software encourages everyone to learn. The free software community rejects 
the &ldquo;priesthood of technology&rdquo;, which keeps the general public in 
ignorance of how technology works; we encourage students of any age and 
situation to read the source code and learn as much as they want to know. 
Schools that use free software will enable gifted programming students to 
+msgstr "El programari privatiu rebutja les seves &agrave;nsies de coneixement: 
diu \"el coneixement que cerques &eacute;s un secret, aprendre est&agrave; 
prohibit!\" El programari lliure anima a tothom a aprendre. La comunitat del 
programari lliure rebutja \"el sacerdoci de la tecnologia\", que mant&eacute; 
el gran p&uacute;blic en la ignor&agrave;ncia de com funciona la tecnologia; 
nosaltres encoratjam els estudiants de qualsevol edat i posici&oacute; a llegir 
el codi font i a aprendre tant com ells vulguin aprendre. Les escoles que usin 
programari lliure permetran millorar als alumnes m&eacute;s dotats per la 
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:61
+msgid "The next reason for using free software in schools is on an even deeper 
level. We expect schools to teach students basic facts, and useful skills, but 
that is not their whole job. The most fundamental mission of schools is to 
teach people to be good citizens and good neighbors&mdash;to cooperate with 
others who need their help. In the area of computers, this means teaching them 
to share software.  Elementary schools, above all, should tell their pupils, 
&ldquo;If you bring software to school, you must share it with the other 
children.&rdquo; Of course, the school must practice what it preaches: all the 
software installed by the school should be available for students to copy, take 
home, and redistribute further."
+msgstr "La seg&uuml;ent ra&oacute; &eacute;s encara m&eacute;s profunda. 
Esperam que les escoles ensenyin als estudiants els fets b&agrave;sics i 
habilitats &uacute;tils, per&ograve; aquesta no &eacute;s tota la seva tasca. 
La missi&oacute; fonamental de les escoles &eacute;s ensenyar la gent a ser 
bons ciutadans i bons ve&iuml;ns, a saber cooperar amb els altres que 
necessiten de la seva ajuda. En l'&agrave;mbit inform&agrave;tic, aix&ograve; 
significa ensenyar-los a compartir programari. Les escoles prim&agrave;ries, 
sobretot, han de dir-los: \"Si duus programari a l'escola, has de compartir-lo 
amb els companys\". Per descomptat, l'escola ha de practicar all&ograve; que 
predica: tot el programari instal&middot;lat per l'escola ha d'estar disponible 
perqu&egrave; sigui copiat pels estudiants, per dur a casa i despr&eacute;s ser 
+# type: Content of: <p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:73
+msgid "Teaching the students to use free software, and to participate in the 
free software community, is a hands-on civics lesson. It also teaches students 
the role model of public service rather than that of tycoons.  All levels of 
school should use free software."
+msgstr "Ensenyar als estudiants a usar programari lliure i a participar en la 
comunitat del programari lliure &eacute;s una lli&ccedil;&oacute; c&iacute;vica 
duita a la pr&agrave;ctica. Tamb&eacute; ensenya als estudiants el model de 
servei p&uacute;blic en comptes del de magnats. Tots els nivells escolars han 
d'usar programari lliure."
+# type: Content of: <ol><li>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:79
+msgid "<cite><a name=\"1\"></a>RJ Reynolds tobacco company was fined $15m in 
2002 for handing out free samples of cigarettes at events attended by children. 
 See <a 
+msgstr "<cite><a name=\"1\"></a>La companyia tabaquera RJ Reynolds va ser 
condemnada a pagar 15 milions de d&ograve;lars de multa en el 2002 per haver 
subministrat mostres gratu&iuml;tes de cigarrets en esdeveniments infantils. 
Veure <a 
 (en angl&egrave;s). </cite>"
+# type: Content of: <div>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:86
+msgstr " "
+# type: Content of: <div><p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:94
+msgid "Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a 
href=\"mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>.  There are also <a 
href=\"/contact/\">other ways to contact</a> the FSF.  <br /> Please send 
broken links and other corrections or suggestions to <a 
+msgstr "Envieu les vostres preguntes sobre la FSF i GNU a <a 
href=\"mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>. Tamb&eacute; hi ha 
d'<a href=\"/contact/\">altres formes de contactar</a> amb la FSF. <br />Envieu 
els enlla&ccedil;os trencats i d'altres correccions o suggeriments a <a 
+# type: Content of: <div><p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:104
+msgid "Please see the <a 
href=\"/server/standards/README.translations.html\">Translations README</a> for 
information on coordinating and submitting translations of this article."
+msgstr "Vegeu el <a 
href=\"/server/standards/README.translations.html\">Translations README</a> per 
informar-vos sobre la coordinaci&oacute; i publicaci&oacute; de les traduccions 
d'aquest article."
+# type: Content of: <div><p>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:111
+msgid "Copyright &copy; 2003 Richard Stallman <br /> Verbatim copying and 
distribution of this entire article are permitted without royalty in any medium 
provided this notice is preserved."
+msgstr "Copyright &copy; 2003 Richard Stallman <br /> Es permet realitzar i 
distribuir c&ograve;pies literals d'aquest article en qualsevol medi sense 
pagament de drets, sempre que hi aparegui aquesta nota."
+# type: Content of: <div><div>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:118
+msgstr "Traducci&oacute;: 09 jul 2004 Joan Lladonet i Pau Cabot"
+# type: Content of: <div><p>
+#.  timestamp start
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:120
+msgid "Updated:"
+msgstr "Updated:"
+# type: Content of: <div><h4>
+#: ../../philosophy/po/schools.proto:128
+msgid "Translations of this page"
+msgstr "Traduccions d'aquesta p&agrave;gina"

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