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Formatting buffers with remote processes

From: Jordan Ellis Coppard
Subject: Formatting buffers with remote processes
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 03:43:54 +0900

Hi Michael,

I'm going to try and add support for remote formatting commands for this package:

The entire package itself is ~350 lines of elisp with a majority of that being documentation comments. I wonder if you can advise me on the best approach to take here.

Imagine the scenario where a user is working on a remote project using Tramp and they want to run whatever their project's source-code formatting tool is. There are two possible cases:

1. The user just happens to have that same tool installed locally;
2. The user only has the tool installed remotely where their project is.

In (1)s case I imagine an on-save hook simply uses call-process to execute the formatting tool, the formatted contents replace the buffer, and when the buffer is saved Tramp handles copying the file to the remote -- effectively this is no different from _not_ using a formatting tool and saving a buffer which Tramp is going to copy to a remote anyway.

In (2)s case, and preferring asynchronous processes so as to not block Emacs, would you advise using make-pipe-process, make-process, start-file-process (or others)?

In the case the remote formatting command is given as an absolute path I imagine a pipe process could work best (no shell required, extra Tramp regex-matching, looking through $PATH to find the command executable); am I mistaken there or is that generally true?

My main goal here is to minimise round-trips (which do add up quickly and make even localhost "remote" saves take about 0.23 seconds). Is my understanding of the general flow for either approach correct?

For a shell-based remote asynchronous process:

--> save-buffer
  | --> tramp copies local file contents to remote
  | --> tramp executes formatting command on remote
  | --> formatting command has changed remote file
  | <-- tramp must copy from the remote back to local the new contents

For a pipe-based remote asynchronous process:

--> save-buffer
  | --> tramp makes a remote pipe process
  | --> local buffer contents piped to formatting process
  | <-- formatting process spits to its stdout the formatted contents
  | --> tramp copies local file contents to remote


P.S. I will get to trying out Eglot things within the next day or two wrt the other emails.

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