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Re: [PATCH] Provide completion candidates for remote containers over a T

From: Gene Goykhman
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Provide completion candidates for remote containers over a TRAMP connection
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 20:07:35 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.6; emacs 29.1

Hi Michael,

Michael Albinus <> wrote:

> For the futere I could imagine more different values. t and nil are fine
> ATM, but if there are more methods which support this feature, it could
> be a list. '("docker" "podman" "kubernetes") would enable this for the
> respective methods, and disable it for all other methods in multi-hop
> completions. WDYT?

I think this is a great idea. What about calling the variable 
`tramp-completion-multi-hop-methods', with a default of '("docker" "podman")? I 
am not confident including "kubernetes" here as I have not tested it but could 
do so if you are comfortable with that.

> Furthermore, the result of tramp-container--completion-function is
> cached now. I've obeserved that the function is called 5 times in a row;
> we don't need so many shells to be applied on remote.

Ah nice. I hadn't noticed this.

> What you could perhaps contribute is documentation of
> tramp-completion-remote-containers (with its changed name) in
> tramp.texi. Maybe in node "Ad-hoc multi-hops"?

I'll get started on this and an addition to etc/NEWS about the new user option.

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