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Using tramp with "RemoteCommand"

From: Daniel Gomez
Subject: Using tramp with "RemoteCommand"
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 15:48:04 +0000

I would like to tramp into a compute node of an HPC cluster.
That requires an ssh connection to a login node and then using `srun` to request an interactive session. If using a terminal, all I need is to set up the following on my .ssh/config, and then `ssh computenode` gets me directly to the compute node:

Host computenode
     User user
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_loginnode
     RequestTTY yes
RemoteCommand srun --partition=partition --account=account --gpus=1 --pty /usr/bin/zsh

However, when connecting via TRAMP this doesn't work, because [apparently TRAMP cannot be used with "RemoteCommand".][1]

**Question: How can I use TRAMP with RemoteCommand, or how can I have Tramp connect directly to an HPC compute node with `srun`?**

Note: [a similar question was asked at the Emacs Stack Exchange][2] with a proposal to connect to an HPC by defining a "qsub" tramp-method; but I tried to define something similar for "srun" and it does not seem to work (but if anyone has a counter-example I'd be happy to give it a try).

[1]: [2]:

If anyone has any suggestions or other approaches that would work, I'd be happy to test them out. Ideally I would like to be able to use `dired` and `run-python` on the compute node, just like I would on a normal remote development workflow.


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