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Re: tramp (2.2.3-pre); a bit too eager

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Re: tramp (2.2.3-pre); a bit too eager
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 16:14:43 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.90 (gnu/linux)

Dave Abrahams <address@hidden> writes:

> And... if contacting the host repeatedly failed it might be good for
> Tramp to get out of the way and stop intervening for the next few
> seconds.

That's an idea. But what shall Tramp do then to "get out of the way"?
Returning an error? It does, and it annoys. Returning nil? This is often
a valid answer for the file name operations, but it could be the wrong
answer. Disabling itself, and recall the function? This would return
something like "/ssh:host#wrongport:/" does not exist. Maybe this is the
least confusing answer ...

>> Tramp is invoked based on file name syntax. If `default-directory' has a
>> remote file name syntax, chances are good that the Tramp file name
>> handler is called.
> oh, it looks like there are several unguarded setq's of
> default-directory in ido.

default-directory shall be set in a buffer only for good reasons. A
library like ido, which does minibuffer completion, shall always
let-bind this variable. Maybe it is worth a bug report? (I do not use
ido myself).

>> Maybe the best would be to try to reproduce the problem from your
>> environment. Do you have an .emacs plus a scenario, which is know to
>> reproduce the problem?
> Not at the moment; as you can imagine it was more important to me to fix
> the problem so I could get back to work than it was to file an accurate
> bug report.  If this ever comes back (and I've seen it before so I
> suspect it will) I'll be sure to gather more information.

Thanks. And I will check, whether I could inject the "too much errors,
sorry, I don't serve for a while" into Tramp. What would be a good
period for silence? 10 seconds?

Best regards, Michael.

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