On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 7:38 AM, Michael Albinus
<address@hidden> wrote:
> mmm9500 # /bin/ls --color=never -al /u/autobahn/scripts/.
> ls: -al: No such file or directory
> /u/autobahn/scripts/.:
> cgi cron diy remote tmp
> cgi_login daemon fork shell transaction
> cgi_obj database generic system
OK, your /bin/ls does not like the order of the arguments. What happens,
if you call
# /bin/ls -al --color=never /u/autobahn/scripts/.
address@hidden:/root] /bin/ls -al --color=never /u/autobahn/scripts/.
total 9
drwxr-x--- 16 devel devel 512 Apr 28 17:03 .
drwxr-xr-x 21 devel devel 512 Jun 1 15:57 ..
drwxr-x--- 2 devel devel 512 Apr 28 17:03 cgi
drwxr-x--- 2 devel devel 512 Mar 20 2006 cgi_login
Furthermore, during its initialization, Tramp checks whether the
"--color=never" argument can be applied. What do you see when calling
# /bin/ls --color=never /
What is the return code?
How would I get the return code? Here is the output:
address@hidden:/root] /bin/ls --color=never /
.Xauthority compat
.bash_history dev
.cshrc etc
.dist_version foo.c
.exrc foo.c.33.mach
.forward home
.gnupg kernel
.lftp kernel.old
.lftprc lost+found
.lsof_mmm9500 mmm9500
.profile mnt
.rhosts modules
.sqsh_history nsr
.sqsh_readline opt
.ssh proc
.tramp_history root
.wshttymode sbin
01mailrc.txt.gz service
02packages.details.txt.gz special
03modlist.data.gz stand
a.out u
backup usr
bin var
boot xit
Best regards, Michael.