From: Adrian Phillips <address@hidden>
To: "emacs user" <address@hidden>
CC: address@hidden
Subject: Re: ssh method on emacs W32 and ssh from cygwin
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 10:13:23 +0200
>>>>> "Anonymous" == emacs user <address@hidden> writes:
>> Tramp calls "bash" on your local machine, which doesn't return
>> any output (empty buffer "*tramp/scp address@hidden"). Is
>> this what you want as local shell on your Windows XP machine?
Anonymous> thanks for the quick reply. yes, this is what I would
Anonymous> want, and I would like this to be the cygwin bash. I
Anonymous> dont suppose you would know how I could make that
Anonymous> happen?
Well, which ssh daemon are you running under Windows - is it the
cygwin installed sshd or a Windows sshd ?
Adrian Phillips