She had never found England so gloomybefore. I re-peruse the opening lines:
straightway that exacerbation isstilled. Never could I have attained to his
infinite capacity of sufferingfools gladly. Mustlanguage, a child of necessity,
be clipped and groomed like a boxhedge?
Must a living organism be at the mercy
of a pack of dismalgentlemen in frock coats?
Havelock Ellis, or through the
Neapolitan as did Charles Grant inhis Stories of the Camorra?
Noris it a
featureless monster, like Pallas Russian travels. Now what do Frenchmen think
of such language?
She had been broughtup unacquainted with the world, its
marvels, its realities.
Industrialism has been raisedto a bad eminence.
it a featureless monster, like Pallas Russian travels.
Quil est donc malaisé,
say the authors in oneplace, de peindre avec justesse le charme de lOrient!
Never could I have attained to his infinite capacity of sufferingfools
That might well beappropriate from an artistic point of view.
For this
desert mancherishes a sense we are in danger of losing; he feels the need
We shall step from twilightinto sunshine.
You will require cheering
up in this melancholy place.
She had never found England so gloomybefore.
Havelock Ellis, or through the Neapolitan as did Charles Grant inhis Stories of
the Camorra? Somecomposite emotion no doubt, that he could not, or would
Egypt, he already felt, had done him nogood.
There was a void
somewhere, a great void, in herexistence.
At such moments Silvia had an
intuition of what lifemight have been.
Forthe rest: head-work, self-conscious
glitter, a virtuosity bordering onthe precious.
Their personalities are less
marked: here lies, maybe, the core of thematter. They have helped us torectify
and clarify our own perspective.
The book isoppressive by weight of thought and
length of text.