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Re: [Tlf-devel] Tlf with ARRL 160m, some thoughts

From: Thomas Beierlein
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Tlf with ARRL 160m, some thoughts
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2015 16:41:34 +0100

Hi Nate and others,

let me first congrats to your 160m results. Well done.

Am Sat, 5 Dec 2015 08:31:39 -0600
schrieb Nate Bargmann <address@hidden>:

> Now a few things I'll put on my TODO list.
> Editing keys.  Once characters are in the call field the left arrow
> enters edit mode.  I'd like the <Home> key to do the same while
> jumping the cursor to the first character in the field.  Often a
> person only copies the suffix of the call and being able to jump to
> the front of the string with one key press rather than several is
> probably expected behavior.
> As with <Home> above, the <End> key should exit edit mode and position
> the cursor after the last character.  This will likely be a synonym of
> <Enter> in this case and is an intuitive key press for many users.
Ok, sounds reasonable. Just go ahead and send a pull request when done.
Please remember to also add the description for the added keys to 

> Sort out the cases where some cty.dat entities are ARRL sections or
> entities.  For the most part this would affect ARRL 160, ARRL FD, and
> ARRL SS where all US territories are counted as an ARRL section.  For
> other events such as ARRL DX they are entities rather than sections,
> as I recall, so there may need to be an addition rules file keyword
> and some logic added.
What kind of support do you have in mind? Some new scoring keywords?

> I do have a rules file for ARRL 160m USA in my repository and it is
> in a pending pull request to Tom.  Also in that pull request is a fix
> for the MULT_LIST rules parameter where the file will be loaded from
> the installed files if it doesn't exist in the local working
> directory. This will avoid having to copy a file such as arrlsections
> into the working directory each time when a distributed mults file is
> used.

Thanks for providing the rule file and the MULT_LIST patch. In meantime
both is in tlf's master branch. 

73, de Tom DL1JBE

> For keying the CW I am using the updated from Wilbert,
> PE7T, with my HamGadgets MK-1.  I did patch it to enable the debug
> command line switch.  It too has been working flawlessly.  I can
> create and push the code to a repository on GitHub if anyone is
> interested.
> Control of my K3 with Hamlib has worked flawlessly as well.
> 73, Nate

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Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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