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Re: [Tlf-devel] TLF 1.1.0

From: Thomas Beierlein
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] TLF 1.1.0
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 07:09:23 +0200

Hi Fred,

back from holiday let me answer your test report. 

First thanks for the report.

Am Mon, 08 Aug 2011 23:11:59 +0200
schrieb Fred Siegmund <address@hidden>:

> first: I had a very good time in EUHFC with the programme although 
> coming from a CT-based logger like yfktest
> is something new to learn. Especially with "SPACE" to transmit
> something is unusal. I don't know which use-case
> that is for. I often trx'd my call at the wrong time because I
> pressed "SPACE" intuitivly to go to the numbers field. :-)

Better use 'ENTER' to switch from one QSO state to the next (including

>   Bandmap works great. Maybe the combination "CTRL-G" is not the best 
> choice because the G is so far away
> on the keyboard for one hand maybe "CTRL->" and "CTRL-<" to go
> downwards in frequency would be a better choice but
> thats my personal feeling. 

I kept CTRL-G as it was used in the former - very limited - bandmap
display and did not want to irritate long time TLF users with a new key
combination. But CTRL-< sounds like an alternative for the future.

> Some more notices:
> - "segmentation fault"
> If the number of spots is >200 its likely the programme crashes soon 
> with this announcement.

Thanks for reporting. I will look into this.
> - life time for spots
> When using reversebeacon the bandmap is soon very crowded. And
> because the skimmers set a new spot every 15min
> or so, its not neccessary to keep them for a longer time in the
> bandmap then that.
OK. It will be user adaptable in the future.

> - exact frequency in cabrillo
> More and more contests sponsors require the exact frequency named in
> the cabrillo file for extended checking.
I know, but that is a lot of work in TLF as a whole. Thanks for
reminding me.

> - graphics/terminal related
> Beside the known colour problems, in my xterm the complete lower half
> is now band map, means "MEM" frequency
> display and country information (green bar at the bottom) is gone. 
> Probably terminal related.
First the colour problem: You can define the 16 colors which xterm uses
in your ~/.Xdefault and restart X or 'xrdb .Xdefault', e.g.:

*color0:  #000000
*color8:  #555753
! DarkRed + Red
*color1:  #ff6565
*color9:  #ff8d8d
! DarkGreen + Green
*color2:  #93d44f
*color10: #c8e7a8

Regards 'MEM' display and bottom bar - that is respected for me. Any
other station can confirm this?

> - .paras file
> I changed the messages F1-F6 for my personal needs but if I edit the 
> write-out in .paras for the top green bar, it doesn't show up in the 
> programme.
The .paras file is not really used - I do not know if it was ever.
Please use the logcfg.dat for setting your messages. But the displayed
top bar is a fixed text (as it seems it was from the beginning).
Changign that bar according to your CW messages is already on the todo

73, de Tom DL1JBE.

"Do what is needful!"
Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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