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[Tlf-devel] Bug in TLF maintenance release 1.0.2

From: Martin Kratoska
Subject: [Tlf-devel] Bug in TLF maintenance release 1.0.2
Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2011 00:01:57 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; cs-CZ; rv: Gecko/20101209 PCLinuxOS/3.1.7-1pclos2010 Thunderbird/3.1.7

There is a bug: a QSO is not counted on the active band resulting in QSO number -1. The :res comand corrects the score on inactive bands however it subtract a QSO on the active band. The final QSO count is correct except the active band where tlf shows always -1 QSO.

Martin, OK1RR

Dne 31.1.2011 11:45, Thomas Beierlein napsal(a):
Please find a new maintenance version TLF-1.0.2 at:

Bug fixes:
  * Fixed bug in sending commands to cwdaemon netkeyer introduced in
    TLF-1.0.0. So PTT handling got sometimes wrong.
    Thanks for reporting Andy G4KNO.

73, de Tom DL1JBE

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