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[Tlf-devel] Kind of wishlist...

From: Pekka T Pussinen
Subject: [Tlf-devel] Kind of wishlist...
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 17:27:52 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.2i


        The TLF was used by the University of Oulu Radio Club OH8TA (with
        a contest call sign OH8T) in the CQWW SSB 2004. This was the very
        first time I and most of the other operators used the software.
        I myself have not used even other log software beforehands for 
        this kind of contest operation.

        The software was used for logging and voice keying. The interface
        for the radio was self-made and the equipment consisted from IC756
        + Heil headset + self-made foot switch. The headset and foot switch
        were connected to the radio though interface, NOT through computer.
        The computer + keyer was set up in parallel to the other 
        equipment, but the output audio from the PC was circulated through 
        4066 audio switch, which muted Heil microphone during transmission
        from computer. Some RF- and ground-problems were encountered, which
        propapbly were caused from the interface box and its layout.

        Anyhow, we gathered some experience about the TLF as the first time
        users. Also some ideas were gathered during the operation, which 
        we like to reveal for the persons with more programming abilities
        (for example I can write a code as professionally as an average rock).
        So, if you can get any ideas and so on from these, we do not resist
        if someone(TM) implements them to TLF...


        I know that documentation is always the hardest part, but one site
        / file / directory for some kind of basic documentation about
        every function would be nice... For example, we gathered meaning of
        (default file) spreturn.wav after 1 kW of power were transmitting 
        "Hmmmmn, I dont know what this file is for... OH8T" (I know, not 
        enough testing beforehands, but...)

        Gathering more documentation in other languages would help people
        like "I have allways used Windows, because there is no other platform
        for logging software" to migrate to the TLF. Also someone requested
        that "this would be a heck nice to have in BSD / Windows"...

Voice keyer

        Auto-CQ seems to be fine, but the option to get multiple .wavs for
        the CQ would be fine. This means, that we have filenames like
        cq2-1.wav, cq2-2.wav ... cq2-9.wav which are played one at each
        time. This prevents the situation, that one single letter is 
        pronounced poorly and the other station (with poor selectivity for 
        noisy signal, like I do) can't get it right even if listening to 
        multiple times. This idea could be also be used for a single call 
        sign audio file used in S&P mode.

        Voice keyer could also stop keying by pressing esc... (I really hope
        that it didn't allready do this, I'm writing this text with no 
        ability to test the TLF manually...)

        The usage of previously recorded alphanumeric characters for the
        CQ-mode would be nice; i.e. TLF would read the call aloud according 
        to the text inserted to the log line (which could also yield to the
        possibilities "VP6?" in the log line to play "victor papa six, go
        ahead" and so on). This option is not-so-nice for people who wants
        have even a tiny bit of the "human interaction" in the contest, but it
        IS a huge success for people which can't speak loud and clear, caused 
        by some nasty disease / disability or even the stuttering because of 
        the hectic contest experience.

Other things...

        The ability to log the operator changes in the log AND changing 
        setups as operator wants them to be would be nice (ie. cw keyer 
        speeds, colours, voice keyer filenames and paths...). This should 
        also work in vice versa, so operator could record the voice memories 
        and they will be saved for his / her own setup. Also "personal log"
        will be possible, so operator can check how many countries /
        multipliers he / she has worked during the contest etc...

        Implemented log backup and full retraceability would of course be
        nice; we used cron to copy the log every 5 minutes to prevent 
        accidents, but unintentional destruction of the couple of last QSOs
        could be fatal.

        The change of the operator could perhaps be implemented by inserting 
        USB memory stick to the computer, and the stick could contain
        voice files etc. which could, by that way, be edited and recorded by
        another computer. Also backup of the log could be automatically updated
        to the memory stick, as the operator-specific results in the contest.

        Is there any use for one-way network interface for the log ?? So there
        is possibility to put one computer for the great public nearby and
        put real-time log even to the Internet, without the ability to 
        modify the log (un)intentionally. Also real-time contest results 
        monitoring (for example at WRTC contests and other events...) via
        the Internet is easier to implement.

        So.. A couple of ideas gathered in a such a short time :) Comments
        about the ideas' reality level is also welcome for my personal
        training to achieve better software specification skills :) But at
        last I hope that someone got an idea or two what can be done in the
        dark hours of the day (18-20 hours / day here...)

  Pekka T Pussinen                               pekka.pussinen @!

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