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Re: [Therion] Surveying Maze Caves

From: Jonathan Prouty
Subject: Re: [Therion] Surveying Maze Caves
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2006 10:19:33 -0500

Hello all,

I very much appreciate all of the advice that you have given on this project. I have already changed my plans a great bit as a result. I'm sure that the product will be much better and come around sooner because of this.

One quick question:
What do you think about quickly generating a polygon map using auriga, then going in and using that map to sketch on top of, then creating a *real* map in Therion? Are there any insurmountable obstacles introduced by this method that I'm not seeing (Other than doubling the amount of time spent in each passage....)?

This suggestion violates a couple rules of good practice and introduces the very real prospect that the sketch may never be completed. The only reason I even mention it is because of the fact that the local cave rescue squad would greatly benefit from a decent map. There have been several rescues in the cave (local kids getting lost, mostly) that have been severely slowed down as a result of the rescuers having to blindly stumble around, missing the obvious shortcuts that would have made their movements in the cave much more efficient.

Perhaps even a working polygon map might help, in the event a rescue happens before the final map is created. At any rate, just a thought.

As far as the actual mapping goes, I would love to be able to report some progress, unfortunately, I can't. As it turns out, the cave is embroiled in a bit of local caver politics. One of the older cavers in my club has been working on surveying it for the last 10 years or so. Even though no work has been done on that project for at least 2 years, he is very much against the idea of "resurveying" the cave, even though that survey hasn't been finished, and most likely never will.

I am planning on going ahead and surveying it, it has just been greatly slowed down because of this. What a pain :-(.

Jonny Prouty

On 12/1/06, Martin Sluka <address@hidden> wrote:

On 25.11.2006, at 17:56, Jonathan Prouty wrote:

> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

One more thing:

usually you need to draw several subtypes of line wall - bedrock,
blocks, presumed, etc.

There is not the best way how to do it if you start with new line
each time the subtype of wall line changes.

Try to use to change subtype of wall as change of line point subtype
instead. Keep the line wall in one piece if possible - the automatic
joining of wall lines will work much better.

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