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master updated (de0c9a2606 -> bcedc78d61)

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: master updated (de0c9a2606 -> bcedc78d61)
Date: Sun, 5 May 2024 18:44:05 -0400 (EDT)

pertusus pushed a change to branch master.

    from de0c9a2606 * tp/Texinfo/Convert/LaTeX.pm (_convert): leave content of 
before_defline as is directly in top level content.
     new 9eed782c54 * doc/generate_html_doc_texi.pl: remove use re => '/a', 
there is no string manipulation in the code.
     new a2b8e4f2c9 * doc/generate_html_doc_texi.pl: remove use re => '/a', 
there is no string manipulation in the code.
     new bcedc78d61 Update use use.

Summary of changes:
 ChangeLog                                        | 14 ++++++++++++++
 Pod-Simple-Texinfo/lib/Pod/Simple/Texinfo.pm     | 10 +++-------
 Pod-Simple-Texinfo/pod2texi.pl                   |  5 +++--
 doc/generate_html_doc_texi.pl                    |  4 +---
 man/pod2texi.1                                   |  2 +-
 tp/Texinfo/Common.pm                             | 13 +++++--------
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/ConvertXS.pm                  |  3 +--
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Converter.pm                  | 13 +++++--------
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/DocBook.pm                    |  8 +++-----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm                       |  7 +++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/IXIN.pm                       |  7 +++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/IXINSXML.pm                   |  7 +++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Info.pm                       |  7 +++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/LaTeX.pm                      |  7 +++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/NodeNameNormalization.pm      | 13 +++++--------
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Paragraph.pm                  |  3 +--
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/PlainTexinfo.pm               | 11 +++++------
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Plaintext.pm                  |  7 +++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Texinfo.pm                    | 13 +++++--------
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/TexinfoMarkup.pm              |  7 +++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/TexinfoSXML.pm                |  7 +++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/TexinfoXML.pm                 |  7 +++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Text.pm                       | 13 +++++--------
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/TextContent.pm                |  7 +++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Unicode.pm                    | 10 +++-------
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Utils.pm                      | 13 ++++++-------
 tp/Texinfo/DebugTree.pm                          |  3 +--
 tp/Texinfo/Indices.pm                            |  6 ++----
 tp/Texinfo/ManipulateTree.pm                     | 13 +++++--------
 tp/Texinfo/MiscXS.pm                             |  3 +--
 tp/Texinfo/OutputUnits.pm                        | 13 +++++--------
 tp/Texinfo/Parser.pm                             |  3 +--
 tp/Texinfo/ParserNonXS.pm                        | 11 ++++-------
 tp/Texinfo/Structuring.pm                        | 13 +++++--------
 tp/Texinfo/Transformations.pm                    | 13 +++++--------
 tp/Texinfo/Translations.pm                       |  4 +++-
 tp/Texinfo/XSLoader.pm                           |  2 +-
 tp/ext/highlight_syntax.pm                       |  2 +-
 tp/ext/latex2html.pm                             |  2 +-
 tp/maintain/regenerate_C_options_info.pl         |  6 +-----
 tp/maintain/regenerate_commands_perl_info.pl     |  6 +-----
 tp/maintain/regenerate_documentlanguages-iana.pl |  6 +-----
 tp/maintain/regenerate_documentlanguages-loc.pl  |  8 ++------
 tp/maintain/regenerate_file_lists.pl             |  7 ++-----
 tp/maintain/regenerate_perl_options_info.pl      |  6 +-----
 tp/texi2any.pl                                   |  3 +--
 46 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)

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