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master updated (8acd2a3879 -> 8963c0bf7e)

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: master updated (8acd2a3879 -> 8963c0bf7e)
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2024 09:59:36 -0400 (EDT)

pertusus pushed a change to branch master.

    from 8acd2a3879 * tp/Texinfo/Convert/Text.pm: change in comments.
     new 39921b2757 * tp/Texinfo/Common.pm, tp/texi2any.pl: change in comments 
for a more accurate description of duplicates in opened_files.
     new b010b3db98 * tp/Texinfo/Common.pm (output_files_initialize) 
(output_files_open_out, output_files_opened_files), tp/texi2any.pl (_exit, 
%opened_files, handle_errors): use a hash instead of an array for opened files, 
to avoid unlinling twice files opened (and closed) twice.
     new 47b45b6c87 * tp/Texinfo/Common.pm (output_files_open_out), 
tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm (_do_jslicenses_file): have output_files_open_out 
return the information that a file that was already opened is opened agains, 
which means overwritting.  Add a warning in the case that can actually happen, 
with js licenses file.
     new 8963c0bf7e * tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh: do not add a / at the end of 
$testdir, one is already added in all the uses if needed.

Summary of changes:
 ChangeLog                                          | 40 ++++++++++
 tp/Texinfo/Common.pm                               | 34 +++++----
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Converter.pm                    |  2 +
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm                         | 13 +++-
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/IXIN.pm                         |  2 +
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Info.pm                         |  3 +
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/LaTeX.pm                        |  2 +
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Plaintext.pm                    |  2 +
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/Text.pm                         |  2 +
 tp/tests/Makefile.onetst                           |  2 +
 tp/tests/formatting/list-of-tests                  |  6 ++
 .../js_license_reuse_output_file/Ch1.html}         |  0
 .../js_license_reuse_output_file/index.html        | 54 +++++++++++++
 .../js_license_reuse_output_file}/js/info.css      |  0
 .../js_license_reuse_output_file}/js/info.js       |  0
 .../js_license_reuse_output_file}/js/modernizr.js  |  0
 .../js_license_reuse_output_file/split_nocopying.1 |  0
 .../js_license_reuse_output_file/split_nocopying.2 |  1 +
 .../res_parser/reuse_macro_expand_file/simplest.1  |  0
 .../res_parser/reuse_macro_expand_file/simplest.2  |  1 +
 .../reuse_macro_expand_file/simplest.info          |  0
 tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh                         |  3 +-
 ... => formatting_js_license_reuse_output_file.sh} |  2 +-
 ...es.sh => formatting_reuse_macro_expand_file.sh} |  2 +-
 tp/texi2any.pl                                     | 88 ++++++++++++++++------
 25 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
 copy tp/{t/results/html_tests/info_js_dir_html_file/res_html/js_licenses.html 
=> tests/formatting/res_parser/js_license_reuse_output_file/Ch1.html} (100%)
 create mode 100644 
 copy tp/{t/results/html_tests/info_js_dir_html_file/res_html => 
tests/formatting/res_parser/js_license_reuse_output_file}/js/info.css (100%)
 copy tp/{t/results/html_tests/info_js_dir_html_file/res_html => 
tests/formatting/res_parser/js_license_reuse_output_file}/js/info.js (100%)
 copy tp/{t/results/html_tests/info_js_dir_html_file/res_html => 
tests/formatting/res_parser/js_license_reuse_output_file}/js/modernizr.js (100%)
 copy infog/test-infodir/dummy => 
 create mode 100644 
 copy infog/test-infodir/dummy => 
tp/tests/formatting/res_parser/reuse_macro_expand_file/simplest.1 (100%)
 create mode 100644 
 => tp/tests/formatting/res_parser/reuse_macro_expand_file/simplest.info (100%)
 copy tp/tests/test_scripts/{formatting_cpp_lines.sh => 
formatting_js_license_reuse_output_file.sh} (88%)
 copy tp/tests/test_scripts/{formatting_cpp_lines.sh => 
formatting_reuse_macro_expand_file.sh} (90%)

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