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[Tcldrop/CVS] tcldrop/modules conn.tcl dcc.tcl idx.tcl
From: |
Philip Moore |
Subject: |
[Tcldrop/CVS] tcldrop/modules conn.tcl dcc.tcl idx.tcl |
Date: |
Sat, 06 Dec 2003 03:41:20 -0500 |
CVSROOT: /cvsroot/tcldrop
Module name: tcldrop
Changes by: Philip Moore <address@hidden> 03/12/06 03:41:20
Modified files:
modules : conn.tcl dcc.tcl idx.tcl
Log message:
Fixed the bug in the conn.tcl that was killing the idx before it was
Index: tcldrop/modules/conn.tcl
diff -u tcldrop/modules/conn.tcl:1.12 tcldrop/modules/conn.tcl:1.13
--- tcldrop/modules/conn.tcl:1.12 Sat Dec 6 02:45:19 2003
+++ tcldrop/modules/conn.tcl Sat Dec 6 03:41:20 2003
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# * The connect and control commands, used for all outgoing
# Depends: idx.
-# $Id: conn.tcl,v 1.12 2003/12/06 07:45:19 fireegl Exp $
+# $Id: conn.tcl,v 1.13 2003/12/06 08:41:20 fireegl Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2003 FireEgl (Philip Moore) <address@hidden>
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
namespace eval ::tcldrop::conn {
variable version {0.7}
package provide tcldrop::conn $version
- variable rcsid {$Id: conn.tcl,v 1.12 2003/12/06 07:45:19 fireegl Exp $}
+ variable rcsid {$Id: conn.tcl,v 1.13 2003/12/06 08:41:20 fireegl Exp $}
variable Defaults
if {![info exists ::my-ip]} { set ::my-ip {} }
set Defaults(global) [list {async} {1} {buffering} {line} {myaddr}
${::my-ip} {blocking} {0} {timeout} {237}]
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
array set options [Config - $args]
fconfigure $sock -buffering $options(buffering) -blocking
set idx [::tcldrop::idx::Assign]
+ ::tcldrop::idx::Register $idx [concat [array get options] [list
sock $sock idx $idx timestamp [unixtime] connecttimer [utimer $options(timeout)
[list ::tcldrop::conn::ConnectTimeout $idx]]]]
fileevent $sock writable [list ::tcldrop::conn::Write $idx]
fileevent $sock readable [list ::tcldrop::conn::Read $idx]
- ::tcldrop::idx::Register $idx [concat [array get options] [list
sock $sock idx $idx timestamp [unixtime] connecttimer [utimer $options(timeout)
[list ::tcldrop::conn::ConnectTimeout $idx]]]]
return $idx
} else {
return -code error $sock
@@ -120,16 +120,16 @@
if {[set error [fconfigure $idxinfo(sock) -error]] != {}} {
putloglev d * "net: error!(connect) idx $idx (${error})"
catch { killutimer $idxinfo(connecttimer) }
+ if {[info exists idxinfo(errors)]} { $idxinfo(errors) $idx
$error }
killidx $idx
# Send {} to the control proc and kill the sock/idx. Note, A
check on valididx (from the control proc) is one way to tell wether or not an
EOF has actually been received.
- $idxinfo(control) $idx {}
- if {[info exists idxinfo(errors)]} { $idxinfo(errors) $idx
$error }
+ if {[info exists idxinfo(control)]} { $idxinfo(control) $idx {}
} elseif {[eof $idxinfo(sock)]} {
putloglev d * "net: eof!(read) idx $idx"
+ if {[info exists idxinfo(errors)]} { $idxinfo(errors) $idx
{EOF} }
killidx $idx
# Send {} to the control proc and kill the sock/idx. Note, A
check on valididx (from the control proc) is one way to tell wether or not an
EOF has actually been received.
- $idxinfo(control) $idx {}
- if {[info exists idxinfo(errors)]} { $idxinfo(errors) $idx
{EOF} }
+ if {[info exists idxinfo(control)]} { $idxinfo(control) $idx {}
} elseif {[info exists idxinfo(control)]} {
# For speed, we process all available lines. (This is
absolutely necessary when running inside an Eggdrop, because Eggdrop's event
loops are 1 second apart)
while {[gets $idxinfo(sock) line] >= 1} {
Index: tcldrop/modules/dcc.tcl
diff -u tcldrop/modules/dcc.tcl:1.34 tcldrop/modules/dcc.tcl:1.35
--- tcldrop/modules/dcc.tcl:1.34 Sat Dec 6 02:45:19 2003
+++ tcldrop/modules/dcc.tcl Sat Dec 6 03:41:20 2003
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# dcc.tcl --
-# $Id: dcc.tcl,v 1.34 2003/12/06 07:45:19 fireegl Exp $
+# $Id: dcc.tcl,v 1.35 2003/12/06 08:41:20 fireegl Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2003 FireEgl (Philip Moore) <address@hidden>
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
# Provide the users module:
variable version {0.4}
package provide tcldrop::dcc $version
- variable rcsid {$Id: dcc.tcl,v 1.34 2003/12/06 07:45:19 fireegl Exp $}
+ variable rcsid {$Id: dcc.tcl,v 1.35 2003/12/06 08:41:20 fireegl Exp $}
#checkmodule console
# Export all the commands that should be available to 3rd-party
namespace export dcclist listen putdcc getchan setchan console echo
strip idx2hand hand2idx link bots islinked putbot putallbots sock2idx idx2sock
@@ -252,151 +252,151 @@
proc ::tcldrop::dcc::Read {idx line} {
- set starttime [clock clicks]
- foreach {a d} [::tcldrop::idx::Info $idx] { array set chatinfo $d }
- switch -- $chatinfo(type) {
- if {[string equal -nocase {new} $line]} {
- # They want to sign-in as a NEW user.
- if {${::open-telnets} || [countusers] == 0} {
- # Let them.
- putidx $idx {Enter the handle you would
like to use.}
- ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list type
TELNET_NEW other {new waited 2s} timestamp [unixtime] traffictype partyline]
+ # FixMe: This should do something useful when it receives a {} (meaning
the sock is no longer connected).
+ if {$line == {}} { return }
+ foreach {a d} [::tcldrop::idx::Info $idx] {
+ array set chatinfo $d
+ switch -- $chatinfo(type) {
+ if {[string equal -nocase {new} $line]} {
+ # They want to sign-in as a NEW user.
+ if {${::open-telnets} || [countusers]
== 0} {
+ # Let them.
+ putidx $idx {Enter the handle
you would like to use.}
+ ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx
[list type TELNET_NEW other {new waited 2s} timestamp [unixtime] traffictype
+ } else {
+ # Denied!
+ putidx $idx {You don't have
access. (not accepting 'new' users)}
+ killidx $idx
+ }
} else {
- # Denied!
- putidx $idx {You don't have access.
(not accepting 'new' users)}
- killidx $idx
+ if {[validuser $line] && ![passwdok
$line -]} {
+ if {[matchattr $line b]} {
+ putidx $idx {passreq}
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx {Password.}
+ }
+ ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx
[list handle $line type CHAT_PASS other {pass waited 3s} timestamp [unixtime]
traffictype partyline]
+ } else {
+ if {[matchattr $line b]} {
+ # FixMe: putidx $idx
{FixMe: Make sure bots without passwords can link the first time.}
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx {You don't
have access.}
+ }
+ }
- } else {
- if {[validuser $line] && ![passwdok $line -]} {
- if {[matchattr $line b]} {
- putidx $idx {passreq}
+ }
+ # FixMe: For bots, this should send "*hello"
and "version ",
+ # and change the type to "BOT".
+ if {[passwdok $chatinfo(handle) $line]} {
+ if {[matchattr $chatinfo(handle) b]} {
+ ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx
[list type BOT other {bot flags: } timestamp [unixtime] traffictype botnet]
+ putidx $idx {*hello}
+ putidx $idx {version }
} else {
- putidx $idx {Password.}
+ ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx
[list type CHAT other {chat flags: ?/0} timestamp [unixtime] traffictype
+ putidx $idx {Welcome!}
+ # FixMe: Show the MOTD and
whatnot here.
- ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list
handle $line type CHAT_PASS other {pass waited 3s} timestamp [unixtime]
traffictype partyline]
} else {
- if {[matchattr $line b]} {
- # FixMe: putidx $idx {FixMe:
Make sure bots without passwords can link the first time.}
+ if {[matchattr $chatinfo(handle) b]} {
+ putidx $idx {badpass}
} else {
- putidx $idx {You don't have
+ putidx $idx {Bad password!}
+ killidx $idx
- }
- # FixMe: For bots, this should send "*hello" and
"version ",
- # and change the type to "BOT".
- if {[passwdok $chatinfo(handle) $line]} {
- if {[matchattr $chatinfo(handle) b]} {
- ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list type
BOT other {bot flags: } timestamp [unixtime] traffictype botnet]
- putidx $idx {*hello}
- putidx $idx {version }
+ # Make sure the handle they want isn't already
+ if {[validuser $line]} {
+ putidx $idx {Sorry, that handle is
taken already.}
+ putidx $idx {Try another one please: }
} else {
- ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list type
CHAT other {chat flags: ?/0} timestamp [unixtime] traffictype partyline]
- putidx $idx {Welcome!}
- # FixMe: Show the MOTD and whatnot here.
+ putidx $idx {Okay, now choose and enter
a password: }
+ adduser $line *!$chatinfo(remote)
+ ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list
handle $line type TELNET_PW other {newp waited 3s} timestamp [unixtime]
traffictype partyline]
- } else {
- if {[matchattr $chatinfo(handle) b]} {
- putidx $idx {badpass}
+ }
+ if {[string length $line] < 4} {
+ putidx $idx {Try to use at least 4
characters in your password.}
+ putidx $idx {Choose and enter a
password: }
+ ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list
timestamp [unixtime] traffictype partyline]
} else {
- putidx $idx {Bad password!}
+ setuser $chatinfo(handle) pass $line
+ putidx $idx {Remember that! You'll
need it next time you log in.}
+ putidx $idx "You now have an account"
+ chattr $chatinfo(handle) +pnmofvtxj
+ ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list type
CHAT other {chat flags: ?/0} timestamp [unixtime] traffictype partyline]
+ # FixMe: Show the MOTD or whatever here.
- killidx $idx
- }
- # Make sure the handle they want isn't already taken..
- if {[validuser $line]} {
- putidx $idx {Sorry, that handle is taken
- putidx $idx {Try another one please: }
- } else {
- putidx $idx {Okay, now choose and enter a
password: }
- adduser $line *!$chatinfo(remote)
- ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list handle $line
type TELNET_PW other {newp waited 3s} timestamp [unixtime] traffictype
- }
- }
- if {[string length $line] < 4} {
- putidx $idx {Try to use at least 4 characters
in your password.}
- putidx $idx {Choose and enter a password: }
- ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list timestamp
[unixtime] traffictype partyline]
- } else {
- setuser $chatinfo(handle) pass $line
- putidx $idx {Remember that! You'll need it
next time you log in.}
- putidx $idx "You now have an account"
- chattr $chatinfo(handle) +pnmofvtxj
- ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list type CHAT
other {chat flags: ?/0} timestamp [unixtime] traffictype partyline]
- # FixMe: Show the MOTD or whatever here.
- }
- }
- {CHAT} {
- # Do the FILT binds:
- # Note, this is different from Eggdrop's FILT, because
our FILT actually works, but I haven't tested it. =P
- foreach a [binds filt] {
- foreach {type flags mask count proc} $a {}
- if {$line == {}} { break }
- if {[string match -nocase $mask $line] &&
[matchattr $chatinfo(handle) $flags]} {
- ::tcldrop::countbind $type $mask $proc
- if {[catch { set line [$proc $idx
$line] } err]} {
- putlog "Error in script: $proc:
- puterrlog "$::errorInfo"
+ {CHAT} {
+ # Do the FILT binds:
+ # Note, this is different from Eggdrop's FILT,
because our FILT actually works, but I haven't tested it. =P
+ foreach a [binds filt] {
+ foreach {type flags mask count proc} $a
+ if {$line == {}} { break }
+ if {[string match -nocase $mask $line]
&& [matchattr $chatinfo(handle) $flags]} {
+ ::tcldrop::countbind $type
$mask $proc
+ if {[catch { set line [$proc
$idx $line] } err]} {
+ putlog "Error in
script: $proc: $err"
+ puterrlog "$::errorInfo"
+ }
+ if {$line == {}} { return }
+ # Wouldn't it be neat, if we supported other
command characters
+ # besides the ".", possibly "/" as a command
character, and use
+ # it to simulate an ircII client. =D
+ if {[string index $line 0] == {.}} {
+ # Do the DCC binds:
+ DCC $chatinfo(handle) $idx $line
+ } else {
+ # FixMe: CHAT binds get called here:
+ #CHAT $chatinfo(handle) $channel $line
+ }
+ # Update the info for last idle:
+ ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list timestamp
[unixtime] traffictype partyline]
+ # Update their laston info:
+ catch { setlaston $chatinfo(handle) [unixtime]
partyline }
+ # FixMe: I'm not sure, but I think Eggdrop
counts dcc commands as part of the partyline traffic.. So we'll do that here,
unless it's found to be otherwise:
+ traffic partyline in [string length $line]
- if {$line == {}} { return }
- # Wouldn't it be neat, if we supported other command
- # besides the ".", possibly "/" as a command character,
and use
- # it to simulate an ircII client. =D
- if {[string index $line 0] == {.}} {
- # Do the DCC binds:
- DCC $chatinfo(handle) $idx $line
- } else {
- # FixMe: CHAT binds get called here:
- #CHAT $chatinfo(handle) $channel $line
- }
- # Update the info for last idle:
- ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list timestamp [unixtime]
traffictype partyline]
- # Update their laston info:
- catch { setlaston $chatinfo(handle) [unixtime]
partyline }
- # FixMe: I'm not sure, but I think Eggdrop counts dcc
commands as part of the partyline traffic.. So we'll do that here, unless it's
found to be otherwise:
- traffic partyline in [string length $line]
- }
- {BOT_NEW} {
- if {$line != {}} {
+ {BOT_NEW} {
# This is when the remote bot is asking what
our handle is.
::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list type BOT_PASS
other {bot_pass} traffictype botnet]
putidx $idx ${::botnet-nick}
- }
- {BOT_PASS} {
- # This is when the remote bot is asking what our
password (or password hash) is.
- if {[string match -nocase {passreq*} $line]} {
- putidx $idx [getuser $chatinfo(handle) PASS]
- ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list type
BOT_HELLO other {bot_hello} traffictype botnet]
- } else {
- # Abort since it's not a valid responce to our
- killidx $idx
+ {BOT_PASS} {
+ # This is when the remote bot is asking what
our password (or password hash) is.
+ if {[string match -nocase {passreq*} $line]} {
+ putidx $idx [getuser $chatinfo(handle)
+ ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list type
BOT_HELLO other {bot_hello} traffictype botnet]
+ } else {
+ # Abort since it's not a valid responce
to our handle.
+ killidx $idx
+ }
- }
- # This is after we've send our handle and password to
the remote bot,
- # so now we send our version and whatever else needs to
be sent to start with.
- if {[string match -nocase {version*} $line]} {
- # FixMe: Add proper version info here.
- putidx $idx "version "
- ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list type BOT
other {bot flags: } traffictype botnet]
+ # This is after we've send our handle and
password to the remote bot,
+ # so now we send our version and whatever else
needs to be sent to start with.
+ if {[string match -nocase {version*} $line]} {
+ # FixMe: Add proper version info here.
+ putidx $idx "version "
+ ::tcldrop::idx::ChInfo $idx [list type
BOT other {bot flags: } traffictype botnet]
+ }
+ {BOT} {
+ # Similar to CHAT above, but this is for bot
+ RAWBOT $chatinfo(handle) $idx [string trim
[lindex [split $line] 0]] [string trimleft [join [lrange $line 1 end]]]
+ traffic botnet in [string length $line]
+ }
+ {default} { }
- {BOT} {
- # Similar to CHAT above, but this is for bot
- RAWBOT $chatinfo(handle) $idx [string trim [lindex
[split $line] 0]] [string trimleft [join [lrange $line 1 end]]]
- traffic botnet in [string length $line]
- }
- {default} { }
- putloglev d * "dcc: process time: [expr {[clock clicks] - $starttime}]"
proc ::tcldrop::dcc::BOTWrite {idx} {
Index: tcldrop/modules/idx.tcl
diff -u tcldrop/modules/idx.tcl:1.11 tcldrop/modules/idx.tcl:1.12
--- tcldrop/modules/idx.tcl:1.11 Tue Dec 2 04:27:14 2003
+++ tcldrop/modules/idx.tcl Sat Dec 6 03:41:20 2003
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# idx.tcl --
-# $Id: idx.tcl,v 1.11 2003/12/02 09:27:14 fireegl Exp $
+# $Id: idx.tcl,v 1.12 2003/12/06 08:41:20 fireegl Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2003 FireEgl (Philip Moore) <address@hidden>
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
-proc ::tcldrop::idx::killidx {idx} {
+proc ::tcldrop::idx::killidx {idx args} {
foreach {a d} [Info $idx] { array set idxinfo $d
catch { fileevent $idxinfo(sock) writable {} }
catch { fileevent $idxinfo(sock) readable {} }
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- [Tcldrop/CVS] tcldrop/modules conn.tcl dcc.tcl idx.tcl,
Philip Moore <=