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Re: [Taler] deployment/regional-currency: tor hidden service

From: Sebastian
Subject: Re: [Taler] deployment/regional-currency: tor hidden service
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 18:13:09 -0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

That's the generated payto URI for the account in a x-taler-ban setup, I think `localhost` is the default value of X_TALER_BANK_PAYTO_HOSTNAME when it's not present. Maybe it should take the hostname from `base_url` config.


On 29/5/24 17:31, Calvin Burns via Taler wrote:
When I withdraw TALER using the bank account I get the following dialog:

``` dialog
Confirm the withdrawal operation
wire transfer details
Payment provider's account bank hostname localhost
Payment provider's account id exchange
Amount TALER 23
cancel transfer

If I confirm by hitting the transfer button
the withdrawal finishes successfully (with 23 Taler in the
browser wallet).
My Question: Where does the localhost come from?

Some info about my setup:
torrc on server side:

``` torrc
MapAddress bank.x.y bankonionaddress.onion
MapAddress exchange.x.y exchangeonionaddress.onion
MapAddress backend.x.y backendonionaddress.onion


HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/bank
HiddenServicePort 80
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/exchange
HiddenServicePort 80
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/backend
HiddenServicePort 80

I use nftables to redirect dns queries and non-local traffic to tor.

In the libeufin and taler config files I only have bank.x.y, exchange.x.y,

In /etc/hosts there is no *.x.y.

Another thing that might be related:
When I try to transfer Taler to account B from account A using
the payto uri
in the demo bank interface
I get the error message (as overlay in the bank interface):

The destination account "b" was not found.
Creditor account 'payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/B' not found

The account B exists and I can log into it.

Again where does the localhost come from?
Can someone give a tip?
Thanks in advance.

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