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Re: [Taler] docs/libeufin/nexus-tutorial.rst: what should $exchange_base

From: Florian Jung
Subject: Re: [Taler] docs/libeufin/nexus-tutorial.rst: what should $exchange_base_url be?
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 15:57:20 +0100
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Hi Calvin,

you need to set the exchange_base_url to the URL under which the exchange is or will be reachable. Usually, this is https://exchange.example.org/. It is needed so that the bank's webui or the cashier app can offer you the "withdraw via qr code" button; the withdrawal QR code contains a link to the exchange so the smartphone wallet knows which exchange to query. (Note that the trailing slash might actually be required; not sure.)
Similarly, the payto address should be something like 
`payto://iban/DE123456?receiver-name=MyExchange`. The ?receiver-name bit 
might be optional, but at some point, it was required. Might be here. 
The Payto url is also needed for the webui's withdraw feature, since it 
needs to know how to send the money to the exchange once the user has 
You can safely ignore setting these two variables unless you want to use 
either the cashier app or the "withdraw" button. You can still use the 
wallet's "withdraw" button, which will ask you to make a wire transfer 
to account XYZ with the purpose field set to ABC. After you manually 
make the transfer in the bank's webui or using CLI tools, it will work.
OTOH can you set a not-yet-running exchange's URL here, this will not do 
any harm.

On 1/29/23 15:18, Calvin Burns via Taler wrote:
What should be the value of the variables $exchange_base_url and
$exchange_payto_address in
when setting up the EBICS sandbox?

The taler-exchange-setup-guide.rst is referring to nexus-tutorial.rst but the
exchange isn't set up yet.  So do I know what exchange_base_url is?

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