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[Taler] Possible bugs: Sending wallet2wallet payment behaves weirdly

From: Florian Jung
Subject: [Taler] Possible bugs: Sending wallet2wallet payment behaves weirdly
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2022 00:44:37 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.10.0


when I try to send money from wallet to wallet using the android app (0.9.0 (google 20)), I go to "MANA Transactions", then press "send funds"  and "to another wallet".

First bug: it appears that when I only have one coin (e.g. I tend to withdraw exactly one 10 MANA coin for testing), then I get "insufficient funds" on every attempt to send funds to another wallet. No server request is made.

Second bug:

When I prepare my wallet to contain multiple keys, I get:

"Let the payee scan this QR code to receive: 7001 (unexpected exception (message: got error response from exchange) (no QR code)"

However, when i press "close", then go back, and then in the list of balances I click on the "Push payment" I just created, then I can see the QR code.
This seems like a display bug in the application.

Third problem:

When I now scan the QR code with the same phone (by making a photo with my laptop camera first), I first got an error indicating that my wallet cannot handle this link. (Is this because I'm trying to transfer from a wallet to itself?)
After some time (writing this mail), I get a 404 on /contracts/blah 
after scanning the code.
I set PURSE-TIMEOUT to 365d (uint32_t truncation bug?) and 
PURSE-ACCOUNT-LIMIT (whatever that is) to 100. Can you explain what 

I've attached the exchange's log. What puzzles me is the line "2022-12-05T23:21:50.220906+0000 taler-exchange-httpd-54(CVFPY019S8357C2FSN1YZKV7CW) WARNING Invalid coin signature to deposit into purse". How can a coin have an invalid signature in this setup?

You can find my configuration in https://github.com/Windfisch/taler-podman/tree/master/exchange-config.skel

Even though this is a lot of stuff, I'd appreciate any help :D



Attachment: taler-log.txt
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