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Re: [Taler] Money with capabilities

From: Jacob Bachmeyer
Subject: Re: [Taler] Money with capabilities
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 18:00:43 -0500
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Sebastian wrote:
 * reduce money capability: there are some users that should not be
using money in some ways (kids, people in recovery, just-for-food money)
The problem with "just-for-food money" notionally denominated in the 
same currency as "general" money is that it will exacerbate food price 
inflation for everyone:  money that can only be spent on food has no 
other value, therefore rational (and probably most irrational) actors 
will be less reluctant to spend it on food, including paying higher 
prices for the same food, squeezing people who do not have 
"just-for-food money" and who must make trade-offs to balance their own 
I believe that this is the fundamental issue behind the "steak on food 
stamps" problem.

-- Jacob

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