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Re: [Taler] [GNUnet-developers] Prototype fund rumor

From: sva
Subject: Re: [Taler] [GNUnet-developers] Prototype fund rumor
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2017 12:03:25 +0200
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On Thursday 30 March 2017 07:58 PM, Jeff Burdges wrote:
> There is one other tricky part, the milestones, but they say milestones,
> not deliverables, so that's not so bad.
> On Thu, 2017-03-30 at 19:48 +0200, Jeff Burdges wrote:
>> I heard a rumor that the Prototype fund has fewer applications

True, was passing around that message since some weeks already.
Might have changed meanwhile, as I was not the only one spreading ;)

>> if you are a German resident
>> https://prototypefund.de/

>> An Android wallet for Taler would be lovely!

ACK! If you have friends into android not fully employed, ping them!

>> It's a short application, basically a problem statement of 700 character
>> and a 1300 character proposal, so like 15 tweets.  ;)  It's due
>> *tomorrow* evening in German.

I've already supported others in their prototypefund application and can
do so with you / your friends, too. Ping me on IRC or email.

The tricky part is actually to hit the small number of characters ;)


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