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Re: [Fwd: Re: [Synaptic-devel] Ui Proposal]

From: Renate
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: [Synaptic-devel] Ui Proposal]
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 08:51:25 +0200

Am Die, den 14.10.2003 schrieb Gustavo Niemeyer um 23:18:

> I don't think a title/text is necessary at that point. Improving
> the button labels will reduce even more the need for something there.

There is a problem: longer and more descriptive labels cannot be used in
vpaned, since the toggle buttons are horizontally arranged there. So
they could be also arranged vertically or we use other shorter labels in
vpaned only. But this would be an inconsistence.

I want to cherish the additional label above the toggle buttons. This
one is suggest by the HIG and it also makes the buttons look more

I would suggest naming the bold title "Package Control", since there is
also the dwww and reconfigure stuff, but I don't know a good label for
the toggle buttons. Perhaps by and by...

You don't use deconf or dwww in Connectiva?

Another issue is the "Show Pkg Help" Button, which has not a very clear
label. We could remove the "Show" and replace the "Help" with "Docu" or

The changes can wait until the next but one release or should we do the
little string changes now?

Could you disable the whole "Package Control"|"Status" if no package is
selected, Michael?

Sebastian (renate)

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