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[Swarm-GIS] [Swarm Announce] Reminder: SwarmFest abstracts due 1 June

From: Steve Railsback
Subject: [Swarm-GIS] [Swarm Announce] Reminder: SwarmFest abstracts due 1 June
Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 08:36:34 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060308)

Reminder: Abstracts for presentations at SwarmFest are due 1 June, this Thursday! Please submit abstracts as soon as possible so the organizing committee has time to organize!

Details are below. For additional information, see: http://www.nd.edu/~swarm06/index.html


The SwarmFest committee

Two kinds of presentations are solicited: oral presentations (20-30 minutes) and posters. Appropriate topics include research conducted with agent-based models, development of theory for/with ABMs, demonstrations of interesting models and modeling techniques, software platforms, and programming techniques. We encourage presentation of work that is new or unusual enough to make publication in traditional outlets difficult. To request an oral or poster presentation, submit an abstract via email to address@hidden Acceptable formats are PDF, plain text, and Word. The submittal should include the authors and their affiliations, contact information (address, telephone, and email), the title, preferred format (oral vs. poster), and the abstract text.

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