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Re: I am signed up for this list but have never received any messages. D

From: Kevin S. Lim
Subject: Re: I am signed up for this list but have never received any messages. Do people not use this list or could there be a subscription problem?
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 09:38:56 -0400

Thanks Marcus,

I was aware of Paul Box's work, but have yet to "look into" it!
Unfortunately I couldn't make Swarmfest 2000 b/c of the conflicting GIS2000
conference in Toronto.

In my LUCITA model, I also use output from ARC/INFO, specifically ARC/INFO
Grid, but it's not integrated meaning that I use the GRIDSCII command to
convert the Grid data into a text file.  This text file matches my landscape
georeferencing and is read in as is for different spatial soil data maps.
So pretty much all it is is file I/O.

It would be interesting to see what happens in the next little while with a
full integration of GIS and Swarm.  From a business perspective, I think
many people would be interested in a software suite capable of agent-based
modelling coupled with spatial data modelling.

- Kevin

Kevin S. Lim - B.Sc.(Env) - MES Candidate
Department of Geography - University of Waterloo
www.fes.uwaterloo.ca/u/klim  ICQ#52585289

----- Original Message -----
From: Marcus G. Daniels <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: I am signed up for this list but have never received any
messages. Do people not use this list or could there be a subscription

> >>>>> "KL" == Kevin S Lim <address@hidden> writes:
> KL> There doesn't appear to be too many
> KL> people using Swarm integrated with a GIS or spatial data.
> Paul Box at Utah State University has a project called Kenge that
> integrates ArcInfo output maps with Swarm.  I think he is interested
> in getting it into a generally useful form, but he needs time and/or
> manpower to get it done.  Jim Kresl gave a demo at SwarmFest that
> appeared to involve GRASS (technical matters were not the focus of his
> talk).
> Based on the ArcInfo propaganda below, it should be easy to integrate
> Java Swarm and ArcInfo 8 on NT.  I say this because I've used COM with
> Swarm.  (The `msrunexcel' script in the XML heatbugs demos sends data to
> Excel via COM for graphing.)
> I wonder, though, if there is an analogue for Unix.
> http://www.esri.com/news/releases/99_3qtr/ai8_developers.html
>          A new feature to GIS software is the ability to work with and
>          extend ArcInfo at the lowest level.  The new ArcInfo 8
>          applications can, in their entirety, be customized with any
>          component object model (COM)-compliant programming language
>          (e.g., Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual J++).  Users and
>          developers will find all the components of ArcInfo available
>          to embed within non-GIS applications. What is especially
>          innovative is the very fine granularity of the COM
>          implementation; this is not a COM wrapper around legacy
>          code. With more than 1,200 components, hundreds of
>          well-documented interfaces, and thousands of methods, ArcInfo
>          8 serves as a developer's paradise.
>                   ==================================
>    Swarm-GIS is for discussion of Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
>    and their integration or use with Swarm.  For list administration
>    needs (esp. [un]subscribing), please send a message to
>    <address@hidden> with "help" in the body of the message.
>                   ==================================

   Swarm-GIS is for discussion of Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
   and their integration or use with Swarm.  For list administration
   needs (esp. [un]subscribing), please send a message to
   <address@hidden> with "help" in the body of the message.

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