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Swarmfest 2000 Conference Program and Abstracts (preliminary)
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lee |
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Swarmfest 2000 Conference Program and Abstracts (preliminary) |
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Mon, 28 Feb 2000 16:16:08 -0700 (Mountain Standard Time) |
Swarmfest 2000 Conference Program and Abstracts
Saturday, March 11, 2000
09:00-10:00 am Workshop, and Conference Registration
10:00-05:00 pm Swarm Workshop: A Hands-on Workshop for those already
familiar with Swarm taught by Paul Box of Utah State
05:00-06:30 pm Conference Registration
06:00-10:00 pm Opening Reception at Logan Country Club
Sunday March 12, 2000 -- Technology
08:00-09:00 am Conference Registration and Breakfast,
Eccles Conference Center
09:00-09:10 am Introduction to Utah State University
F. E. Busby, Dean of the College of Natural Resources
Utah State University
09:10-09:20 am Welcome and Introduction to the Swarm Development Group
Irene Lee, Swarm Development Group
09:20-10:00 am Life, The Universe, and Everything
Glen E. Ropella, The Swarm Corporation
As computational resources become more ubiquitous, we must develop the
ability to delegate responsibility to automata. The current state of
computational design prohibits this delegation because we just can't
develop the trust that is a necessary prerequisite for such delegation.
Therefore, we need to examine "trust" in the context of our computation-
al artifacts. Trust is built on expectations. Expectations are built
by abduction from an often dynamic set of observables. Simulation,
particularly the kind used by agent-based modelers, provides a powerful
context in which to experiment with the process by which expectations
and trust are built. And if we can develop this "estimation theory"
beyond mathematical modeling, we should be able to advance the state-
of-the-art not only in simulation and modeling, but in parallel systems
analysis and design, as well.
10:00-10:10 am Break
10:10-11:10 am RePast: An Agent Based Simulation Framework in Java
Nick Collier, Social Science Research Computing
University of Chicago
RePast is a software framework for agent based simulation created by
Social Science Research Computing at the University of Chicago. It
provides a library of classes for creating, running, displaying, and
collecting data from an agent based simulation. This talk will focus
primarily on demonstrating RePast's features and capabilities. In
addition, I will also briefly discuss RePast's internal architecture,
design goals, and future direction.
11:10-11:20 am Break
11:20-12:20 pm Ascape: Abstracting Complexity
Miles Parker, Center on Social and Economic Dynamics
Brookings Institution
Software tools used in science typically take a kitchen-sink approach
to design. From statistics to mathematics to engineering to agent
modeling, even those tools that have a strong organizing theme tend
towards supporting every contingency and methodology. This impulse
towards generalization and breadth is laudable and necessary. But there
is a harmonious case to be made for the discipline of abstraction,
parsimony, and depth, and that is the case I make for Ascape.
I discuss a few key abstractions enforced in Ascape, and the opportu-
nities they create for expressibility and simplicity. While these
abstractions seem especially suited to the domain of social and econo-
mic systems, they are not limited to it. By demonstrating recent work
in Ascape and building a simple Ascape model, I show how these appar-
ently constraining abstractions benefit the Ascape user and developer
12:30-01:30 pm Luncheon, Taggart Student Center Walnut Room
01:40-02:40 pm Kenge: Swarm GIS-CA Libraries
Paul Box, Geography, Utah State University
This is a presentation on Kenge, a library for using raster GIS data
in multi-agent and cellular models. Kenge is designed to facilitate
incorporation of GIS data into landscape-level simulations. It is
intended for simulations of scenarios where dynamic, heterogeneous
landscapes are interacting with dynamic, heterogeneous populations
within them. The intended use is simulations where the populations
affect the landscape in which they live, the landscape affects the
behavior of the population(s) in it, the individuals of the populations
are affecting each others' behaviors, and the landscape is continually
evolving by its own rules.
In Kenge, the modeler provides rules at the level of the cell (raster),
and landscape processes are simulated as emergent processes. Agent-based
models can be incorporated into the Kenge landscape, with agents
"running around" on top of the cells. As with the cells, the modeler
gives rules to the individual agents, and observes their emergent
collective behavior as the simulation progresses. As with many agent-
based and CA simulations, simple rules generate complex landscape
The basic design of Kenge will be presented, as will a number of
applications that have been developed around the libraries.
02:40-02:50 pm Break
02:50-03:50 pm GeoGraphic Smallworlds: Agent Models on Graphs
Catherine Dibble, University of California
Santa Barbara
Structured geographical or organizational environments often mediate
agent interactions in profound ways. Both existing geographical or
organizational systems and the agent-based simulation models that
represent them may exhibit path-dependent co-evolution and multi-scale
feedback effects, which are difficult to examine except under laboratory
conditions. Yet richly-structured landscapes for agent simulations
have been difficult to develop, with many models still constrained to
aspatial soups, isotropic planes, or at best to relational networks
among individual agents, but not yet as landscapes on which hetero-
geneous mobile agents interact. This talk introduces a new prototype
for a general class of network-based landscapes for the Swarm simulation
GeoGraphic Smallworlds have the advantage that landscapes are repre-
sented as formal graphs with realistic structures. While they can
represent isotropic planes as regular lattices, they are most useful
when the landscapes are most naturally formalized as one or more
interlocking parameterized families of irregular graphs. Separate
landscape and agent random number seeds allow us to run many agent
simulations on any given GeoGraphic structure. Similarly, we can
generate many distinct families of GeoGraphic landscapes that differ
in their particular structural details yet share common graph charac-
teristics that are relevant to the behavior of the model. Richer
simulation landscapes provide controlled environments in which to
build and test formal models grounded in explicit spatial structures,
diverse distributed mobile agents, and context-specific behavior.
03:50-04:00 pm Break
04:00-05:00 pm Execution & Performance of Swarm Models: How to write
fast models in Swarm.
Marcus Daniels, Swarm Development Group
Agent-based models are by nature computationally intensive. Finding
interesting behaviors in a large space can involve parameter sweeps
over numerous variables and these variables may drive the agents in a
model for hundreds of thousands of steps. Many questions are costly
to ask and there is no getting around it.
Choosing programming techniques that fully-exploit available computer
resources can make a real difference in determining whether or not a
given agent-based model's dynamics can be considered to an adequate
In my talk, I'll trace through the process of improving the performance
of a Swarm model. Topics that will be covered include:
o Constructs to avoid and their algorithmic cost
o Advanced fine-grained profiling techniques with the GNU C Library
o Java profiling techniques
o Demo of ahead-of-time native code generation:
The GCC Java frontend and Kaffe
o Common bottlenecks for Java and Objective C Swarm models
o Cache behavior
o Technologies (within Swarm and external) for facilitating parallel
parameter sweeps, and a demo
06:00-08:00 pm Keynote Address: Chris Langton,
Welcome Dinner and Entertainment,
Zanavoo Restaurant in Logan Canyon
Monday. March 13, 2000 -- Applications
08:00-09:00 am Breakfast, Eccles Conference Center
09:00-10:00 am Modeling Smolt Migration with Swarm
Jim Anderson, School of Fisheries
University of Washington
SWARM was used to model the movement and interactions of salmon smolts
and their predators under reservoir and natural river conditions. We
first modeled smolt migration through the existing 40-km reservoir
behind Little Goose Dam on the Lower Snake River. Output from a 2-
dimensional hydraulics model was used to define detailed flow fields
for both the existing reservoir and a free flowing river. Smolts
movement was described by flow and random movements that decrease when
smolts were in their preferred depth habitat. Predator movements were
random and independent of the flow. Smolt migration was characterized
by adjusting their random movement to fit observed smolt travel times
through the reservoir and the predator-prey dynamics were characterized
by adjusting the predator-prey reactive distance to fit the observed
smolt survival. The impacts of dam breaching were then explored by
using the free flowing bathymetry and hydraulics with the smolt migra-
tion and predator-prey factors fit for the reservoir. In this manner,
we explored the effect of changing the environment without changing the
behavior. From this state, we then explored how changes in behavior
affected smolt survival. In developing this model we learned that a
realistic formulation of the boundary processes, that is the river edge,
was critical to obtaining meaningful results. We also found our inter-
pretation of the model was best guided by an analytical solution of the
migration process. This analytical model identified how to view and
interpret the output from the SWARM.
10:00-10:10 am Break
10:10-11:10 am Getting "Results": The Pattern-oriented Approach to
Analyzing Complex Systems with Agent-based Models
Steve Railsback, Lang, Railsback & Associates
A critical question commonly heard by Swarm modelers is whether agent-
based models can produce "results"- general concepts instead of just
noisy stochastic simulation output. This question results largely from
the very questionable assumption that conventional differential equation
models are more general because they use aggregated measures of the
population being modeled, but this issue still must be addressed by
agent-based modelers. Pattern-oriented modeling is a framework for
ecological analysis but is widely applicable to complex systems. This
approaach involves designing a mode specifically to simulate observed
patterns of system-level behavior, and testing the model by whether it
can reproduce those patterns. Alternative formulations for agent
behavior can be posited as hypotheses and tested by whether they
reproduce observed system-level response patterns. This provides a
hypothesis-testing approach that allows inferences about agent behavior.
We applied this approach to a model of how fish select habitat in a
stream. The model was designed to predict how individual fish select
among alternative habitats that vary in food intake and mortality risks.
>From the fish literature, we a priori identified six patterns of
observed habitat shifts in response to known stimuli, then tested the
model to see if these patterns emerged from individual behaviors. Three
alternative rules for making habitat choices were compared, and two of
the rules were rejected as unable to reproduce the observed patterns.
This analysis produced "results": we showed that some assumptions
commonly made by ecologists are incapable of explaining population-
level patterns.
11:10-11:20 am Break
11:20-12:20 pm Lifecycle Structures: Using Life History to Express
Shared Models
Roger Burkhart, VantagePoint Network
The lifecycle model is a set of ideas for building and sharing con-
ceptual models. Such models are expressed at a logical level of
abstraction that is independent of any concrete computational
implementation. They may express any range of selected content,
from a passive record of external input to the autonomous action of
a living structure. A conceptual model of lifecycle structure starts
with a formal, logical core to capture the content of some selected
domain, but this domain includes the process by which the model itself
is defined and detailed. Every model consists of a progressive
elaboration from an initial controlling structure through an ongoing
selection out of a remaining potential. Internal structures can
include an executable representation of distributed, concurrent
activity like that of the Swarm simulation system. These internal
plans can add a variety of forms of processing as inherent working
parts of any model, from direct response to external events to con-
struction and management of internal models. Any model can incorporate
procedural or declarative levels of cognitive interpretation and
response over some real or hypothetical domain. A framework for
accessing, sharing and recombining any fragment of a lifecycle process
from any other provides an underlying support for interaction and a
short-cut for development of any specific individual. A set of
conventions for a standardized form of lifecycle structure is itself
published as a particular example of the generic structure. This
initial structure encodes the essential features of the lifecycle
model and provides a starter set of universal elements out of which
to build any other model.
12:30-01:30 pm Lunch on your own
01:40-02:40 pm Opinion Formation and the Resilience of Diversity
Paul Johnson, Political Science, University of Kansas
This paper explores agent-based models of the formation of individual
opinions and collective judgments. Models of information transmission
between individuals through political communication are contrasted with
models in which individuals adjust their opinions through observations
of social aggregates. Several variants of the culture model originally
proposed by Robert Axelrod are offered. All models are built with the
Swarm Simulation System, an open source toolkit written in Objective-C.
02:40-02:50 pm Break
02:50-03:50 pm Stochastic Birth/Death Models as a Bridge Between
Differential Equation Models and Individual Based Models
Doug Donalson, Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
University of California, Santa Barbara
Cell-based and discrete (synchronous) time models by definition intro-
duce quantization errors into simulations. In the case of cell-based
space, individuals are required to reside in the center of a cell.
This requires that individuals or subpopulations must be separated by
a minimum distance. (In population ecology this might represent model
imposed competition). In the case of synchronous time models, if the
time step is longer than rates of change of the state variables, esti-
mates must be calculated for the number of state changes for each state
variable in the interval. The maximum number of state changes in the
interval and the ordering of those changes can have a strong effect on
the system dynamics.
I will talk about an alternate formulation for IBM's that allows for a
continuous time and continuous space representation of the dynamics.
Asynchronous schedules (also called event driven schedules) are based
on the idea that no two events (state changes) happen simultaneously.
It should therefore be possible to order events in such a way that there
is no ambiguity. I will provide a handout on asynchronous schedules with
my talk that is part of a chapter in my dissertation, comments are
encouraged. (Please, beat me up before my committee does!)
The use of asynchronous schedules allows development of the Stochastic
Birth-Death (SBD) model. When trying to link equation based models to
IBMs, there are a number of factors changed in the dynamics. One of
these is the change from a continuous (often density based) represent-
ation of model dynamics to one where state changes are discrete. For
instance, in a density based model, a population can change from 100
to 100.01, in an individual representation, the change (increase) must
be to 101. An SBD model can be used two ways. First, if the results of
an IBM are significantly different than its equation based counterpart,
an SBD model can factor out the changes resulting from demographic
stochasticity (requiring individuals to reproduce in whole units) from
other factors in the IBM such as space and behavior. SBD's can also be
used to analyze equation based models for sensitivity to demographic
Finally, and if there is time, I will introduce the some tricks I use
in my latest model to allow a continuous space representation of a
mussel bed while still using Swarm's great graphic potential. They
also allow significant speed up of global search procedures.
03:50-04:00 pm Break
04:00-05:00 pm Discussion Group on Managing Experiments
Paul Johnson: Drone demo
Steve Jackson: Scenario/replicate infrastructure
Marcus Daniels: Argument parsing,
loading parameters with the Lisp Archivers, and
using HDF5 output in R for analysis
05:00 pm Conference Adjourns (dinner on your own)
Tuesday, March 14, 2000
10:00-05:00 pm Kenge (Swarm/GIS) Hands-on Tutorial, taught by
Paul Box, Utah State University
12:00-01:00 pm Lunch on your own
Swarm-GIS is for discussion of Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
and their integration or use with Swarm. For list administration
needs (esp. [un]subscribing), please send a message to
<address@hidden> with "help" in the body of the message.
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