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From: |
Peter Hraber |
Date: |
Fri, 26 Sep 1997 12:32:14 -0600 (MDT) |
Some GRASS tips:
1) set up monitor with d.mon
choose x1
a) display control
use d.rast to see raster file
use d.erase before displaying new file
use d.where to get coordinates of pixels off display
use d.frame interactively to control viewing frame; note
that there is a faint purple cursor box that
comes up to help you select the frame.
2) inport ascii data
Command = r.in.ascii
File format requires spaces between values and a header.
Note that N,S,E,W location values are for the outer edges
of the pixels, not the centers of the pixels.
Example of input data file to use with r.in.ascii
north: 10
south: 0
east: 10
west: 0
rows: 10
cols: 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 10
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 10
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 10
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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0 0 0 fC
450 387 1616 (GRASS is a Geographic Information System \(GIS\) for =
manipulating, and) 1616 SB
300 446 1688 (analyzing spatial information \(i.e. maps\). The intent =
of this=20
document is get first time) 1688 SB
300 505 1627 (GRASS users up a running. It does not cover the different =
functions and modules) 1627 SB
300 564 1727 (available in GRASS, or how to perform particular kinds of=20
analysis. After reading this,) 1727 SB
300 623 1765 (you should be able to 1\) run GRASS and create your own =
and 2\) run grass and) 1765 SB
300 682 704 (access an already existing database.) 704 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Italic /font11 ANSIFont font
902 800 595 (Creating Your Own Database) 595 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font12 ANSIFont font
450 918 1487 (One way of using GRASS is to create your own database in =
your own=20
user) 1487 SB
300 977 1757 (account. A database is basically a directory structure =
that GRASS=20
uses to organize your) 1757 SB
300 1036 1651 (data files into a logical structure. It is important to =
that GRASS creates and) 1651 SB
300 1095 1683 (maintains this directory structure transparent to the =
user, and=20
you should never try to) 1683 SB
300 1154 1799 (manually move or delete GRASS files from the UNIX command =
line. =20
Always use GRASS) 1799 SB
300 1213 1110 (commands to create, move, or delete GRASS data files.) =
1110 SB
450 1272 1600 (The structure of a GRASS database is shown below. Each =
of the=20
components in) 1600 SB
300 1331 1795 (the tree \(GISDBASE, location 1, etc.\) refer to =
directories in=20
the database. The actual data) 1795 SB
300 1390 1750 (files are not shown, but would be located within the =
directories \(PERMANENT,) 1750 SB
300 1449 1685 (mapset 1, etc.\). The GISDBASE directory forms the root =
to the=20
database tree and is) 1685 SB
300 1508 1736 (specified by the user when starting GRASS \(discussed =
below\). =20
The location directories) 1736 SB
300 1567 1760 (correspond to distinct geographic locations, such as New =
or Arizona. Locations) 1760 SB
300 1626 1791 (are created and maintained entirely from within GRASS =
to information supplied) 1791 SB
300 1685 1691 (by the user. Below each location are a group of mapsets. =
Mapsets are "workspaces") 1691 SB
300 1744 1750 (where different users can keep data and results. Mapsets =
limit other users access to) 1750 SB
300 1803 1434 (your data, safeguarding against someone accidentally =
your files.) 1434 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
364 1921 254 (GISDBASE) 254 SB
1 lc
1 lj
0 0 0 pC
6 4 SP
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389 2146 215 (location 1) 215 SB
939 2146 215 (location 2) 215 SB
464 2043 M 1100 0 1 PP
1014 2043 M 0 100 1 PP
464 2218 M 0 325 1 PP
614 2346 207 (mapset 1) 207 SB
614 2421 207 (mapset 2) 207 SB
614 2496 207 (mapset 3) 207 SB
464 2393 M 125 0 1 PP
464 2468 M 125 0 1 PP
464 2543 M 125 0 1 PP
464 2318 M 125 0 1 PP
614 2271 313 (PERMANENT) 313 SB
1014 2218 M 0 325 1 PP
1164 2346 207 (mapset 1) 207 SB
1164 2421 207 (mapset 2) 207 SB
1164 2496 207 (mapset 3) 207 SB
1014 2393 M 125 0 1 PP
1014 2468 M 125 0 1 PP
1014 2543 M 125 0 1 PP
1014 2318 M 125 0 1 PP
1164 2271 313 (PERMANENT) 313 SB
1489 2146 215 (location 3) 215 SB
1564 2043 M 0 100 1 PP
1564 2218 M 0 325 1 PP
1714 2346 207 (mapset 1) 207 SB
1714 2421 207 (mapset 2) 207 SB
1714 2496 207 (mapset 3) 207 SB
1564 2393 M 125 0 1 PP
1564 2468 M 125 0 1 PP
1564 2543 M 125 0 1 PP
1564 2318 M 125 0 1 PP
1714 2271 313 (PERMANENT) 313 SB
1589 1996 56 (....) 56 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font12 ANSIFont font
450 2616 1600 (Before building your own database, or accessing an =
database, it is useful) 1600 SB
300 2675 1720 (to walk through creating a database with a 'junk' =
location and=20
user mapset. To do this,) 1720 SB
300 2734 1701 (login to your account and create a directory in your user =
account. For example if you) 1701 SB
300 2793 1755 (want to create a directory called grass, type 'mkdir =
grass'. =20
This will be your GISDBASE) 1755 SB
300 2852 863 (directory. To get started you will need the ) 863 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Italic /font11 ANSIFont font
1163 2852 180 (complete) 180 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font12 ANSIFont font
1343 2852 654 ( path to your GISDBASE. Type) 654 SB
1 #C
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300 269 1745 ('pwd' to get the path to your user account \(for example=20
/landscape/users/tkeitt\) and then) 1745 SB
300 328 1574 (append your GISDBASE directory name to that=20
\(/landscape/users/tkeitt/grass\).) 1574 SB
450 387 1538 (Now type 'grass'. You will get a startup screen with =
fields: a location, a) 1538 SB
300 446 1784 (mapset, and a database. In the database field type the =
path to=20
your GISDBASE directory.) 1784 SB
300 505 1742 (In the location field type 'junk' and in the mapset field, =
your username \(or whatever) 1742 SB
300 564 1725 (you want to call this mapset\). Hit the ESC key. GRASS =
prompt you whether you) 1725 SB
300 623 1653 (want to create a new location and mapset \(choose 'yes'\). =
answering 'yes' until) 1653 SB
300 682 1734 (GRASS asks you for a coordinate system. Enter '0' for x,y =
coordinates. Next, GRASS) 1734 SB
300 741 602 (will ask you to fill in a default ) 602 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Italic /font11 ANSIFont font
902 741 130 (region) 130 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font12 ANSIFont font
1032 741 1055 (. A region is a set of spatial coordinates that define =
a) 1055=20
300 800 1687 (geographic area of interest. For now, we'll use an =
arbitrary set=20
of coordinates. Enter) 1687 SB
300 859 1745 ('1000' for North, '0' for South, '0' for West, and '1000' =
East. Enter '1' for your North) 1745 SB
300 918 790 (and South resolution. Hit the ESC key.) 790 SB
450 977 1649 (After defining the default region, GRASS will return you =
to the=20
startup screen. Hit) 1649 SB
300 1036 1800 (ESC again, and you will be running GRASS. Now you can =
browsing through the on-) 1800 SB
300 1095 1720 (line help \(g.help, g.manual\) and get a feel for how =
works. You probably don't) 1720 SB
300 1154 1752 (want to store any data in your new 'junk' location, but =
at least=20
you can now run GRASS.) 1752 SB
300 1213 1638 (This can be useful for instance when you are creating =
locations and need to do) 1638 SB
300 1272 1687 (coordinate transforms to get your default region =
\(because GRASS wants) 1687 SB
300 1331 252 (these values ) 252 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Italic /font11 ANSIFont font
552 1331 128 (before) 128 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font12 ANSIFont font
680 1331 1041 ( it will let you run any commands in a new location\).) =
1041 SB
450 1390 1517 (To create a location to store geographic data, type =
'exit' and=20
'y' \(to save your) 1517 SB
300 1449 1750 (location\). Then repeat the above process \(you can use =
the same=20
GISDBASE directory\),) 1750 SB
300 1508 1656 (but this time be prepared to enter real location =
\(e.g. the boundaries of a) 1656 SB
300 1567 1068 (quadrangle in UTM units\) and resolution information.) =
1068 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Italic /font11 ANSIFont font
878 1685 643 (Accessing an Existing Database) 643 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font12 ANSIFont font
450 1803 1645 (To access an existing database, you only need to know the =
path to=20
the GISDBASE) 1645 SB
300 1862 1761 (directory for that database. However, there are a couple =
important differences in how) 1761 SB
300 1921 1793 (you use databases, locations, and mapsets which you did =
create. The first difference is) 1793 SB
300 1980 1384 (that you will not be able to use mapsets that you did not =
You ) 1384 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Italic /font11 ANSIFont font
1684 1980 73 (will) 73 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font12 ANSIFont font
1757 1980 206 ( be able to) 206 SB
300 2039 1712 (access map data in those mapsets \(provided the user who =
them gives access to) 1712 SB
300 2098 1667 (other users, this is set with g.access\). The second =
is that you will want to) 1667 SB
300 2157 725 (include the relevant mapsets in your ) 725 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Italic /font11 ANSIFont font
1025 2157 206 (search list) 206 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font12 ANSIFont font
1231 2157 516 (. This is explained below.) 516 SB
450 2216 1511 (You can try this by logging into your account and typing =
as explained) 1511 SB
300 2275 1720 (above. Now enter the path to the database you want to =
access in=20
the database field. If) 1720 SB
300 2334 1800 (you know which location you want to work in, then enter =
that in=20
the location field. If your) 1800 SB
300 2393 1745 (not sure about the location, then type 'list' in the =
field and hit ESC. You will be) 1745 SB
300 2452 1785 (given a list of available locations. Choose one and =
enter it in=20
the location field. Now, you) 1785 SB
300 2511 1800 (will want to create your own mapset or "workspace". In =
mapset field, type some name) 1800 SB
300 2570 1769 (\(your username is a good one to use\). Hit ESC and =
GRASS will=20
prompt you if you want) 1769 SB
300 2629 752 (to create a new mapset. Choose 'yes'.) 752 SB
450 2688 1494 (At this point you may or may not have any data to work =
depending on) 1494 SB
300 2747 1760 (whether or not the PERMANENT mapset contains any data. =
As a=20
default, all the files in) 1760 SB
300 2806 1729 (PERMANENT will be included in your search path. Type =
and list your available) 1729 SB
300 2865 1724 (raster files. If there are any available, you can start =
them in you analysis, etc. To) 1724 SB
1 #C
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300 269 1649 (include other files not in PERMANENT or in your own =
mapset, type=20
'g.mapsets' to) 1649 SB
300 328 1714 (include other mapsets in your search path. Any files that =
contained in mapsets that) 1714 SB
300 387 1673 (you include in your search path will be made available to =
however, they will be ) 1673 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Italic /font11 ANSIFont font
1973 387 91 (read) 91 SB
300 446 86 (only) 86 SB
32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 45 /Times-Roman /font12 ANSIFont font
386 446 1634 (. You can display them and use them as input to GRASS =
but you cannot) 1634 SB
300 505 1699 (delete them. Any new files you create will reside in your =
You can give other) 1699 SB
300 564 1791 (users access to your files with the 'g.access' command. =
You can=20
also copy files from other) 1791 SB
300 623 881 (mapsets into your own mapset with 'g.copy'.) 881 SB
450 682 1583 (If you have files that you want to become a permanent part =
of the=20
database, you) 1583 SB
300 741 1745 (can get the database administrator to copy those files =
into the=20
PERMANENT mapset so) 1745 SB
300 800 522 (everyone will have access.) 522 SB
1 #C
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- [no subject],
Peter Hraber <=