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Re: permissions to add PR?

From: Derek Davies
Subject: Re: permissions to add PR?
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2025 15:57:25 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 26.3

Thank You.

I am really getting frustrated, so let me back up.

Is there a way to participate without needing a GUI web browser?

It's hard to know if it's not possible to do this w/o GUI tools or if
it's just easier for most partially sighted to just struggle with the
GUI or get help from someone sighted.

If I must use a GUI web browser then it's pretty much Windows or MacOS
b/c Orca and Linux just are even worse than the latter.  I can't afford
Mac so that leaves windows.

Since I'm using cygwin mintty on windows I'm running into winpty gitbash
etc stuff.  So now I run gh repo fork in cmd.exe and can't get whatever
outpout b/c the screen reader sucks fo rthat on cmd.exe.  Then I find I
must install git fo rwindows.  Find, strange Unicode chars later and I
realize I msut type winget install gitgit to have a git comamnd line
program to clone the forked repo.

But now my forked cloned repo is not under the current directory but,
apparently und3er my windows home dir.  When I git status there I get
all sorts of "modified" files.

None of this give me confidence going forward.  I see gh create pr
command and wonder how much more pain lies ahead.

Is there a "Git hub for command line users? out there"  Any notes from
anyone on low vision github hosted project participation?

Sorry but I am so upset that hackers are apparently thinking it's okay
to have workflow that relies on a non-automatable trap like a web browser.

I am reay to just post the Makefile.am diff and cxxpiper.conf and
cxxpiper.cpp source files and crawl back under a rock.

So frustrated.


Will Estes <westes575@gmail.com> writes:

> gh repo fork
> is the subcommand you're looking for.
> On Thursday,  2 January 2025, 11:08 am -0500, Derek Davies 
> <ddavies@ddavies.net> wrote:
>> Forgot the most important thing:
>> Is it possible to fork a repo without depending on the web site/browser?
>> Can it be done using githubcli/command line only?  If you know the
>> commands that is /gold/ for me.  I've been trying to find a cli solution
>> to this for a while, but it's been neither confirmed nor refuted for me yet~!
>> Thanks AgaiN!
>> Derek
>> Derek Davies <ddavies@ddavies.net> writes:
>> > Samuel Thibault <samuel.thibault@ens-lyon.org> writes:
>> >> Of course you don't have commit access to the brailcom repository like
>> >> almost everybody. The github way is for you to fork the project into
>> >> your own repository, push your branch there, and create a PR from there.
>> >
>> > Thank You!!  I am back on it, now ala "the github way.  I was following
>> > some instructions likely meant for a didfferent situation.
>> >
>> > Derek

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