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Re: Restarting spd to load new modules

From: Samuel Thibault
Subject: Re: Restarting spd to load new modules
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 17:42:13 +0100

Really, please fix the spacing between word, otherwise it's really hard
to read.

Artem Semenov, le jeu. 19 déc. 2024 19:10:25 +0300, a ecrit:
> 19.12.2024 13:47, Samuel Thibault пишет:
> > > it is usually enough to restartthe SPD service to add them, but if
> > > the SPD has clients, for example Orca, then either the reboot is not
> > > performed or new modules are not added.
> > Ah? Orca should re-connect and re-get the list of modules when spd
> > restarts. That's to be done on the Orca side.
> So far it works like this:

> Experiment2:
> Orca is running.
> 1.Changing modules.
> 2.Restart the spd service.

How do you do this precisely?

> spd-say -O indicates that the set of modules has not changed.

?? If you have really restarted spd, spd-say will show the new set of

Orca might however not notice the change of module list. Again, as I
mentioned above, that's to be fixed in Orca.

> From the second experiment, I see that spd does
> not restart if it has clients with active connections.

It really does, but possibly you are not restarting it the way I think
you are doing it.


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