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Setting the DefaultVoice for a voice without a conf file

From: Didier Spaier
Subject: Setting the DefaultVoice for a voice without a conf file
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 00:45:21 +0100

On 23/12/2018 14:59, Didier Spaier wrote:
> Not a huge work for me, I oftentimes use converters to do that, for instance 
> pandoc in case of a document source in a Markdown dialect.
PS to convert markdown => html there is also rubygem-rdiscount, way smaller 
than pandoc.

As an aside, I'd rather write this kind of files in reStructuredText, which has 
a single specification:
See also http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html
The associated converters shipped in the python-docutils package, like 
rst2html, provide very good results.

Last OT message until next year, I promise ;)


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