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Please wait before releasing 0.9, more voices available soon.

From: Didier Spaier
Subject: Please wait before releasing 0.9, more voices available soon.
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2018 14:49:22 +0100


On 24/11/2018 23:13, Didier Spaier wrote:
> I will provide no later than tomorrow a file flite-generic.conf
> allowing to choose among all installed voices coming from
> http://festvox.org/flite/packed/flite-2.1/voices/

Here it is, as an attachment and inline.
Not sure about that, but it seems to me that all Indic voices are male.

I have tried all through Orca, with the help of translate.google.com to
feed the input with a text in each language.

Only caveat: the voice pan_amp (Panjabi), when selected in Orca, makes
it crash. I didn't investigate this issue.

The patch includes the typo fix for espeak-generic.conf, Samuel feel
of course free to split it if you think that's cleaner.

It is against a zip archive downloaded from GitHub today, i.e.



diff -aNru speechd-master/config/modules/Makefile.am 
--- speechd-master/config/modules/Makefile.am   2018-11-22 16:06:31.000000000 
+++ speech-dispatcher-20181125.new/config/modules/Makefile.am   2018-11-25 
14:15:40.985779699 +0100
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
 dist_moduleconf_DATA = cicero.conf espeak.conf espeak-ng.conf festival.conf \
-                      flite.conf ibmtts.conf ivona.conf dtk-generic.conf \
+                      flite.conf flite-generic.conf ibmtts.conf ivona.conf 
dtk-generic.conf \
                        epos-generic.conf espeak-generic.conf \
espeak-mbrola-generic.conf \
                        llia_phon-generic.conf \
                        pico-generic.conf swift-generic.conf mary-generic.conf
 dist_moduleconforig_DATA = cicero.conf espeak.conf festival.conf espeak-ng.conf
-                          flite.conf ibmtts.conf ivona.conf dtk-generic.conf \
+                          flite.conf flite-generic.conf ibmtts.conf ivona.conf 
dtk-generic.conf \
                            epos-generic.conf espeak-generic.conf \
espeak-mbrola-generic.conf \
                            llia_phon-generic.conf \
diff -aNru speechd-master/config/modules/espeak-generic.conf 
--- speechd-master/config/modules/espeak-generic.conf   2018-11-22 
16:06:31.000000000 +0100
+++ speech-dispatcher-20181125.new/config/modules/espeak-generic.conf   
2018-11-25 11:18:45.246162000 +0100
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 # Note that if an empty string is specified, then $PUNCT will be blank 
 # which is a default situation for espeak.
-GenericPunctNone ""
+GenericPunctNone " "
 GenericPunctSome "--punct=\"()[]{};:\""
 GenericPunctAll "--punct"
diff -aNru speechd-master/config/modules/flite-generic.conf 
--- speechd-master/config/modules/flite-generic.conf    1970-01-01 
01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ speech-dispatcher-20181125.new/config/modules/flite-generic.conf    
2018-11-25 11:50:57.928203000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Usage of this module requires that the flite speech synthesizer be
+# installed as well as at least one of the voices listed below.
+# The flite package should be built without restricting its scope, i.e.
+# not using any of the --with-lang, --with-vox, --with-lex or
+# --with-langvox options.
+# This has been tested with flite pulled on 23 November 2018 fom git:
+# https://github.com/festvox/flite
+# and voices downloaded from:
+# http://festvox.org/flite/packed/flite-2.1/voices/
+# The flite output module is based on the generic plugin for Speech
+# Dispatcher. It means that there is no code written explicitly for
+# this plugin, all the specifics are handled in this configuration
+# and we call a simple command line client to perform the actual
+# synthesis. Use this config file with the sd_generic output module.
+# GenericExecuteSynth is the shell command that should be
+# executed in order to say some message. This command must
+# stop saying the message on SIGKILL, otherwise it's useless.
+# You can use the variables $LANGUAGE, $VOICE and $PITCH and $RATE
+# which will be substituted for the appropriate value (you
+# can modify this value, see other parameters).
+# The command can be split into more lines, if necessary, using '\'.
+GenericExecuteSynth "flite -voice /usr/share/flite/voices/$VOICE \
+--setf duration_stretch=$RATE --setf int_f0_target_mean=$PITCH -t \'$DATA\'"
+GenericPunctNone " "
+GenericPunctSome "--punct=\"()[]{};:\""
+GenericPunctAll "--punct"
+GenericLanguage          "en" "en" "utf-8"
+GenericLanguage          "bn" "bn" "utf-8"
+GenericLanguage          "gu" "gu" "utf-8"
+GenericLanguage          "hi" "hi" "utf-8"
+GenericLanguage          "kn" "kn" "utf-8"
+GenericLanguage          "mr" "mr" "utf-8"
+GenericLanguage          "pa" "pr" "utf-8"
+GenericLanguage          "ta" "ta" "utf-8"
+GenericLanguage          "te" "te" "utf-8"
+# Each voice is available if and only if a corresponding file exist.
+# These files must be listed *before* the voices.
+# You should store the voices in /usr/share/flite/voices/, renamed with
+# their short name. For instance, the voice named:
+# cmu_us_aew.flitevox
+# should be stored as: /usr/share/flite/voices/aew
+# Other example:
+# cmu_indic_guj_dp.flitevox
+# should be stored as:
+# guj_dp
+# At time of writing, all voices listed below can be downloaded from:
+# http://festvox.org/flite/packed/flite-2.1/voices/
+# The renaming can be done with this small script (remove the first #
+# from the next 5 lines before saving it).
+#(cd /usr/share/flite/voices
+#for i in cmu_us*.flitevox; do mv $i  $(echo $i|sed 
"s/cmu_us_//;s/.flitevox//"); done
+#for i in cmu_indic_*.flitevox; do mv $i $(echo $i|sed 
"s/cmu_indic_//;s/.flitevox//"); done
+# The line below insures that only actually installed voices will be
+# proposed. It should be written before the lines beginning with
+# AddVoice for this restriction to be effective.
+VoiceFileDependency "/usr/share/flite/voices/$VOICE"
+# AddVoice specifies which $VOICE string should be assigned to each
+# language and symbolic voice name. All the voices that you want to use
+# must be specified here.
+# In the list below, the ISO 639-1 language code is in the second field,
+# the voice name in the fourth field.
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "aew"
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "ahw"
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "aup"
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "awb" # Scottish English
+AddVoice "en" "FEMALE1" "axb"
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "bdl"
+AddVoice "en" "FEMALE1" "clb"
+AddVoice "en" "FEMALE1" "eey"
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "fem"
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "gka"
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "jmk" # Canadian English
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "ksp" # Indian English
+AddVoice "en" "FEMALE1" "ljm"
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "lnh"
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "rms"
+AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "rxr"
+AddVoice "en" "FEMALE1" "slp"
+AddVoice "en" "FEMALE1" "slt"
+AddVoice "bn" "MALE1" "ben_rm"  # Bengali 
+AddVoice "gu" "MALE1" "guj-ad"  # Gujarati
+AddVoice "gu" "MALE1" "guj_dp"  # Gujarati
+AddVoice "gu" "MALE1" "guj_kt"  # Gujarati
+AddVoice "hi" "MALE1" "hin_ab"  # Hindi
+AddVoice "kn" "MALE1" "kan_plv" # Kannada
+AddVoice "mr" "MALE1" "mar_aup" # Marathi
+AddVoice "mr" "MALE1" "mar_slp" # Marathi
+AddVoice "pa" "MALE1" "pan_amp" # Panjabi (*)
+AddVoice "ta" "MALE1" "tam_sdr" # Tamil
+AddVoice "te" "MALE1" "tel_kpn" # Telugu
+AddVoice "te" "MALE1" "tel_sk"  # Telugu
+AddVoice "te" "MALE1" "tel_ss"  # Telugu
+# (*) On 25 November 2018 using the pan_am voice crashes Orca.
+# These parameters set _rate_ and  _pitch_ conversion. We don't do any
+# volume conversion, because the flite binary does not provide a volume
+# setting.
+# These values below are multiplied by 100, because DotConf currently
+# doesn't support floats (numbers written using decimal points).
+# So by default we multiply the rate by 0.5 and the pitch by 10. 
+GenericRateMultiply     50
+GenericPitchMultiply    1000
+# These default settings should be adjusted if the global settings in
+# /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf are modified.
+# Debug turns debugging on or off
+# See speechd.conf for information where debugging information is stored
+Debug 1
diff -aNru speechd-master/config/speechd.conf 
--- speechd-master/config/speechd.conf  2018-11-22 16:06:31.000000000 +0100
+++ speech-dispatcher-20181125.new/config/speechd.conf  2018-11-25 
11:31:56.216318000 +0100
@@ -223,24 +223,25 @@
 #  - configuration is the path to the config file of this module,
 #    either relative (to etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/) or absolute
-#AddModule "espeak"       "sd_espeak"   "espeak.conf"
-#AddModule "espeak-ng"    "sd_espeak-ng" "espeak-ng.conf"
-#AddModule "festival"     "sd_festival"  "festival.conf"
-#AddModule "flite"        "sd_flite"     "flite.conf"
-#AddModule "ivona"      "sd_ivona"    "ivona.conf"
-#AddModule "pico"        "sd_pico"     "pico.conf"
+#AddModule "espeak"        "sd_espeak"   "espeak.conf"
+#AddModule "espeak-ng"     "sd_espeak-ng" "espeak-ng.conf"
+#AddModule "festival"      "sd_festival"  "festival.conf"
+#AddModule "flite"         "sd_flite"     "flite.conf"
+#AddModule "flite-generic" "sd_generic"   "flite-generic.conf"
+#AddModule "ivona"         "sd_ivona"    "ivona.conf"
+#AddModule "pico"          "sd_pico"     "pico.conf"
 #AddModule "espeak-generic" "sd_generic" "espeak-generic.conf"
 #AddModule "espeak-ng-mbrola-generic" "sd_generic" 
 #AddModule "espeak-mbrola-generic" "sd_generic" "espeak-mbrola-generic.conf"
 #AddModule "swift-generic" "sd_generic" "swift-generic.conf"
-#AddModule "epos-generic" "sd_generic"   "epos-generic.conf"
-#AddModule "dtk-generic"  "sd_generic"   "dtk-generic.conf"
+#AddModule "epos-generic"  "sd_generic"   "epos-generic.conf"
+#AddModule "dtk-generic"   "sd_generic"   "dtk-generic.conf"
 #AddModule "pico-generic"  "sd_generic"   "pico-generic.conf"
-#AddModule "ibmtts"       "sd_ibmtts"    "ibmtts.conf"
+#AddModule "ibmtts"        "sd_ibmtts"    "ibmtts.conf"
 #AddModule "cicero"        "sd_cicero"     "cicero.conf"
-#AddModule "kali"        "sd_kali"       "kali.conf"
-#AddModule "mary-generic" "sd_generic"   "mary-generic.conf"
-#AddModule "baratinoo" "sd_baratinoo"   "baratinoo.conf"
+#AddModule "kali"          "sd_kali"       "kali.conf"
+#AddModule "mary-generic"  "sd_generic"   "mary-generic.conf"
+#AddModule "baratinoo"     "sd_baratinoo"   "baratinoo.conf"
 # DO NOT REMOVE the following line unless you have
 # a specific reason -- this is the fallback output module
diff -aNru speechd-master/src/api/python/speechd_config/config.py.in 
--- speechd-master/src/api/python/speechd_config/config.py.in   2018-11-22 
16:06:31.000000000 +0100
+++ speech-dispatcher-20181125.new/src/api/python/speechd_config/config.py.in   
2018-11-25 11:55:56.718528000 +0100
@@ -622,9 +622,10 @@
         self.default_output_module = question_with_suggested_answers(
             "Default output module",
-            ["espeak-ng", "espeak", "festival", "flite", "ivona", "pico", 
-             "espeak-ng-mbrola-generic", "espeak-mbrola-generic", 
-             "epos-generic", "dtk-generic", "pico-generic", "ibmtts", 
"cicero", "kali",
+            ["espeak-ng", "espeak", "festival", "flite", flite-generic, 
+             "pico", "espeak-generic", "espeak-ng-mbrola-generic",
+             "espeak-mbrola-generic", "swift-generic", "epos-generic",
+             "dtk-generic", "pico-generic", "ibmtts", "cicero", "kali",
              "mary-generic", "baratinoo"])
         self.default_language = question(
-------------- next part --------------
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