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[RFC] speech dispatcher client/server data types

From: Andrei Kholodnyi
Subject: [RFC] speech dispatcher client/server data types
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 13:52:22 +0200

Hi all,

It would be good to get your opinion on the following topic:
There are several data types which are used on the C client side
(libspeechd.h) to pass data to the speechd server.
As you can see from the list I have prepared some data (priority, data
mode, notification) are terminated by the server
Whereas the rest is module specific data and is propagated to the
modules w/o any change.

At the moment it is a quite messy implementation IMO where we have
e.g. simple int types in server
corresponding enums on the client side for priority and data mode.
Besides that msg and text priorities on client/server are swapped.

My proposal would be to align these data types
and use the data types definitions from the libspeechd across all
project modules
with a clear advantage of consistency in data types between client and server.

So far I do not see any disadvantages of my proposal, and I'm opened
for your comments.

client                           server                      modules
SPDMessageType        EMessageType        EMessageType
SPDPriority                  int                          n/a
SPDDataMode             int                          n/a
SPDNotification            ENotification           n/a
SPDVoice                    VoiceDescription      VoiceDescription
SPDVoiceType             EVoiceType            EVoiceType
SPDSpelling                 ESpellMode           ESpellMode
SPDCapitalLetters        ECapLetRecogn      ECapLetRecogn
SPDPunctuation           EPunctMode           EPunctMode

Since I have already provided simialr patches for the opentts it will
be quite easy to resend them.


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