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[PATCH 1/2] Comments in speechd.conf.in updated and polished

From: Chris Brannon
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Comments in speechd.conf.in updated and polished
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 09:00:35 -0500

Andrei Kholodnyi <andrei.kholodnyi at gmail.com> writes:

> if someone will use e.g. only pulse or alsa in his system than libao
> will become redundant.

The advantage of using something like libao as the sole audio backend is
that less code is needed.  Non-existent code doesn't need to be
maintained.  Someone else has already dealt with the eccentricities of
the various audio backends, so why not take advantage of that?  It's a
fairly small library, and you can build it to support only the backends
that are actually used on a given system.

The libao driver does need some work, though.
Right now, it doesn't handle changes in audio parameters, such as rate
and number of channels.  It needs to be changed to match the behavior of
the pulse backend.  Also, I notice a delay when trying to stop speech
with the libao driver.  I'm not sure what causes it.

-- Chris
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