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Speechd-el and left/right arrow

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Speechd-el and left/right arrow
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 16:14:47 +0200

>>>>> "PL" == Pierre Lorenzon <devel at pollock-nageoire.net> writes:

    PL> I found a partial but not completely satisfying answer to my
    PL> question. Using C-f/C-b instead of the arrow keys, only
    PL> character at point is spoken. It's surprising since
    PL> left/right-char on which left/right arrow keys are binded are
    PL> simply functions that call back/forward char on which C-f/C-b
    PL> are binded. Anyway latter are c buildin since former are lisp
    PL> compiled functions. Hence I suspect that there is something in
    PL> the way function are adviced by speechd-el or/and event are
    PL> caught. Would it not be bvetter to try to adjust these
    PL> advice/event catching instead of simply and "brutaly" changing
    PL> emacs keybindings ?

speechd-el (unlike the other Emacs speaking software) doesn't change any
key bindings with the exception of C-e!  In Emacs 23.1 (with
speechd-speak running) `C-h k' gives exactly the same answer on both C-f
and <right> (built-in function forward-char).  So if left/right are
bound to an Elisp function in your Emacs then it may be related to the
problem and I suggest to investigate why they are different from
C-b/C-f.  It may be either a new feature of Emacs 24, or perhaps
something introduced by another package.

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