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From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: punctuation.scm
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 2009 14:31:15 +0200

>>>>> "PL" == Pierre Lorenzon <devel at pollock-nageoire.net> writes:

    PL> Indeed it might help since in this case the duplication no
    PL> longer occurs ! But if we do not modify the code, punctuations
    PL> will have their english pronounciation even in
    PL> french. 

I see, thanks for testing.

    PL> We might say that english protocol is "the right one" and simply
    PL> follow it. 

This is not always possible because different languages may perform text
processing in ways very different from English.

    PL> My opinion is that according to the french language
    PL> implementation in festival the best thing to do for french and
    PL> punctuation mode set to all is to do NOTHING ! Hence I made
    PL> following modification in punctuation.scm calling this
    PL> franfest_token_punctuation_all method that does nothing for the
    PL> moement. This method should be defined if french is selected as
    PL> current language.

    PL> The advantage is that if you accept this modification to
    PL> punctuation.scm code, further modificaitions if necessary will
    PL> be able to be done in this method without modifiying
    PL> punctuation.scm again.

OK, I applied the idea, in a slightly different way by using another
customization variable (completely untested).  Please test and fix. :-)

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