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Is a new release imminant?

From: Jan Buchal
Subject: Is a new release imminant?
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 09:12:19 +0100

>>>>> "LY" == Luke Yelavich <themuso at themuso.com> writes:

    LY> Greetings speech-dispatcher developers. I am wondering, since
    LY> there has been a lot of activity in cvs lately, whether a
    LY> release of speech-dispatcher is on the horizons. Since
    LY> development of the next Ubuntu release is currently in full
    LY> swing, I have some plans for speech-dispatcher and Ubuntu, that,
    LY> while likely not possible for Ubuntu Hardy 8.04, may very well
    LY> land for the release afterwards.

    LY> So my decision is essentially this. Should I wait for another
    LY> release, or should I package a new cvs snapshot, and backport to
    LY> Ubuntu gutsy with my plan implemented to get better user
    LY> testing? At this point, since I would like to try and push my
    LY> plan for speech into Ubuntu hardy, I am pondering packaging a
    LY> CVS snapshot, and going from there. Since speech-dispatcher is
    LY> only receiving bug fixes, I would feel confident in taking such
    LY> action, as the functionality added since the version in Gutsy
    LY> (essentially 0.6.4 plus a couple of important patches), adds
    LY> important functionality and bug fixes, which make my plan far
    LY> easier to implement.
The new release will soon. during several days. We plan release a beta
version on Monday and then after short testing comes stable release.



Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
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