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eSpeak - added punctuation and capitals indications

From: Hynek Hanke
Subject: eSpeak - added punctuation and capitals indications
Date: Sun Aug 13 12:52:50 2006

> I've added the ability to indicate punctuation and capital letters in
> the text by either speaking their name, or by playing a sound.


I've finally tested it and here are my comments.

1) Punctuation at the end of message is not spoken
        espeak --punct "Hello, how are you?"
The question mark is not spoken. If I put an additional space
at the end
        espeak --punct "Hello, how are you? "
I hear "question" correctly at the end.

2) When I use signalization of capital letters with a word
        espeak -k 2 "Hello, how are you? I'm fine."
I hear both the sound icon (as in -k 1) and the word
"capital" or "all capital". I should be hearing only the words,
not the sound.

3) The pitch signalization of capital letters seems to both
higher the pitch of the word containing the capital letter
(good) and lower the pitch of the rest (bad). It should only
work as signalization of capital letters, so the rest of the
text not containing capital letters should be left intact.

These are only small corrections. I didn't find any more problems
in the new punctuation or capital letters capabilities nor in using
them together. I've also tested sound icons for punctuation characters
and it seems to work good.

You might want to mention the sound-icons package you use in the
config file in the documentation, so that users know where to get
them. We however do not have a project page for sound-icons for
some reason on www.freebsoft.org. I believe it is a bug and will be
fixed soon. You can give the direct download address
in the meantime.

> 3.  The punctuation name is spoken in a slightly different tone from
> the main text, to differentiate it.  Is that OK?

I like this.

> 5.  If the text is spoken at a fast rate, should the sound icons also
> be shortened in duration?

I don't know.

> 7.  How should multiple capitals in a word be indicated?  

It seems to me the current version 1.10 does it reasonably well.
I think finer suggestions can only be provided by real users.

> 8.  Have I misunderstood the whole point of this [...]

No :)

As we previously discussed and as was suggested by Gary Cramblitt,
the main thing missing now is an API other than the command line.

Thank you,
Hynek Hanke

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