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speechd broken pipe to module

From: Hynek Hanke
Subject: speechd broken pipe to module
Date: Sun Aug 13 12:52:46 2006

On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 04:58:20PM -0600, Jon Hood wrote:
> Below is a problem i have been having with speech-dispatcher. Please let
> me know if you see the problem. 

Hi Jon,

thank you for your report. It seems there is something wrong happening
in the Festival output module, probably a bug. But it can't be seen exactly
from this log you sent because the output modules are separate processes.

So, please could you turn the debugging in the output module on
(see /etc/speechd/modules/festival.conf), 
        Debug 1
        DebugFile "/tmp/debug-festival" duplicate the error and then
send me the output (/tmp/debug-festival/)?  This would greatly help me
in finding the critical place where something goes wrong.

Thank you very much.

> Also, would it be very easy to move the
> config files to /etc/speech-dispatcher/ instead of /etc/speechd/? How
> would I go about doing that?

Yes, you can edit configure.in (the spdconfdir and moduleconfdir
variables) in the source directory and then recompile the
package. Also, you will have to change the default path
for Include files in speechd.conf (you only need this if you
include some other configuration files in the main file).

But if you wait a little bit, we are near making a new release where
the speech-dispatcher directories are used by default, exactly as you
describe. If things go well, it might be available at the end of this
week.  Or you can download the CVS version in the meantime.

Hynek Hanke

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