Seems to be hitting my server once an hour. I don't know if the it is the script that
lists the servers pool servers (which is suppose to be run once a day at 3:00 AM Pacific time.)
2011-05-15 14:04:29 Get request: <ADDR_INET []:59559> => /pks/lookup?op=stats
2011-05-15 14:04:29 /pks/lookup: DB Stats request
2011-05-15 15:04:14 Get request: <ADDR_INET []:54164> => /pks/lookup?op=stats
2011-05-15 15:04:14 /pks/lookup: DB Stats request
2011-05-15 16:00:22 Get request: <ADDR_INET []:47185> => /pks/lookup?op=stats
2011-05-15 16:00:22 /pks/lookup: DB Stats request
2011-05-15 16:03:56 Get request: <ADDR_INET []:53874> =>
2011-05-15 16:03:56 /pks/lookup: DB Stats request
The is my linux box that I am on now which isn't the keyserver.
I was going through the keyserver list and reverse dns lookup the ones that are not reachable or are
more than 500 keys behind. But haven't found it yet.
From: Jeff Johnson <address@hidden>
To: Robert Hinson <address@hidden>
Cc: Sebastian Urbach <address@hidden>; "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2011
3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Sks-devel] Host checking up.
On May 15, 2011, at 4:36 PM, Robert Hinson wrote:
I tried and still no dice.
Then there's no server there, or you can't reach it because of firewalls etc.
FWIW, I can't reach that URI from here either and know that there's no firewall blocking me.
73 de Jeff