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[Serbiangnome-lista] Za korisnike Gnometa (Request for help and idea for

From: Danilo Segan
Subject: [Serbiangnome-lista] Za korisnike Gnometa (Request for help and idea for future summaries)
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 04:54:23 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Zdravo svima,

Oni koji koriste Gnoma i zele da podele svoja (pozitivna) iskustva,
slobodno to mogu uciniti ili na adresu address@hidden, ili
slanjem poruke meni, pa cu je ja tamo proslediti (bolje je ovo drugo
kako ne bi administrator liste morao da odobrava svaku poruku
pojedinacno, ali ako sumnjate u mene, bar se prijavite na
gnome-summary listu, i postavite da ne zelite da primate poruke, pa
tek onda posaljite).

Posto se radi o delu koji ide uz nedeljni izvestaj, primedbe nemojte
slati (tome sluzi :), a ovo je, naravno, reklamni
deo, i sve nepovoljno ce gotovo sigurno biti preskoceno ;)

Prikacen je originalni poziv koji je uputio Malkolm, pa odatle
prokljuvite sta se trazi.


--- Begin Message --- Subject: [gnome-summary] Request for help and idea for future summaries Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 13:16:57 +1100
Hi gang,

Something that comes up again and again in conversations I have been
having (and others too) is that we need to see more external positive
stuff about GNOME. Sometimes it seems like we only service a bunch of
complainers and nobody ever thinks we do a good job.

So, what would be nice is if you could put a request into an upcoming
GNOME summary or two requesting people who have used GNOME and enjoy
using it to write in with why they like it. Anything good will do. A
paragraph, two paragraphs, a detailed review, whatever.

Ideally, these nice comments would be written by people who are not core
GNOME community members. We are trying to solicit opinions from our
wider user base -- the people who don't sit on thirteen mailing lists or
hang out on IRC.

The idea would be to collect a number of these and then publish them in
future summaries at a rate of maybe one per week.

Here is the sort of blurb I had in mind (but feel free to write
something much better)...

        Do you use GNOME in your daily activities? At work? At home?
        Have you had the experience of having somebody else look at your
        nice GNOME desktop and ask about it? If so, and you would like
        to share your experiences, please write to us. 
        We are trying to collect stories and testimonials from everyday
        GNOME users that will help to encourage our developers,
        documenters, testers and artists. These can also be useful in
        encouraging wider adoption of GNOME -- people will use what
        others are using.
        Contributions can be attributed to the author or anonymous. If
        you don't mind them being used for other publicity purposes,
        please let us know that too. We will publish all reasonable
        submissions over time in the weekly GNOME summaries.
        Please send your GNOME success stories to


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--- End Message ---

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