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Re: script to run screen with multiple telnet windows?

From: Sam Cramer
Subject: Re: script to run screen with multiple telnet windows?
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 18:00:50 -0700

On 6/16/06, Rod Nussbaumer <address@hidden> wrote:

Try something more like this.

screen -S screen_cons -t node$i $i
screen -S screen_cons -X stuff "telnet $tsv 20$i`echo -ne '\015'`"

It is hard to tell exactly what you are trying to do here, but telnet isn't a 
command known to screen. It seems more like you want
the telnet command to be passed on to the shell running IN screen. The stuff 
command does that. You have to get that pesky newline
in there to end the line, too. You might have to remove the double quotes.

Thanks for the reply.  What I'm trying to do is have multiple windows,
each running telnet to a different port on a terminal server.

According the man page, screen be configured to have telnet support built in.


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